By Amanda Klein
Advisory Editor
The first time I set foot in St. Bonaventure, N.Y., I was an awkward 17-year-old who had already decided where she wanted to go to school, and it sure wasn’t Bonaventure.
But, for the majority of the evening tour that August, I couldn’t take my eyes off the beautiful mountains, the buildings, everything. The tour guide didn’t have the key to the locked library doors, but I didn’t mind. I stood at the entrance, staring at the architecture, while she ran to security. My face hurt from smiling.
God was calling me to Bonaventure, but I chose to ignore it. I had already decided; I wanted to go to Ithaca College, and no one, not even God, would stop me.
The fourth time I set foot in St. Bonaventure, N.Y., in March 2008, I was still the awkward 17-year-old, but I was on a mission. I had contacted Professor Pat Vecchio about seeing the Koop Broadcasting Lab, the radio station and The BV newsroom. Finances had pretty much made my decision for me: Ithaca was ridiculously expensive. My grandchildren would be paying off my student loans. If I had to come to Bona’s, I wanted to see what the journalism school could offer me.
It was all pretty impressive, but I wasn’t convinced until I got to the BV newsroom and sat down with Chris Michel, editor-in-chief at the time. He told me about the family at The BV, how it changed his life, and then he told me I was an idiot for even considering going somewhere else. Nowhere else would compare to Bona’s.
I sent my deposit in the next week.
Michel ended up being right. I’m part of a family at The BV, Bona’s changed my life, and I was a complete idiot for fighting so hard to go elsewhere.
If I had never come to Bona’s, I would never be friends with some of the greatest people I’ve ever known. I’ve spent a great deal of my time as an editor at the paper, seven semesters to be exact, and I’ve loved every minute of it because of who occupies the newsroom. It became my second home when I thought I wouldn’t find anyone I truly fit in with. The BV gave me much-needed friendship through the Feats girls and the entire slew of editors I consider family. To describe what they all mean to me is next to impossible, but Wednesdays were still set aside for some BV time long after I was done being a full-time editor.
If I had never come to Bona’s, I shudder to think what my life would be like. I came here awkward and unsure without a smidgen of confidence in myself. I’m leaving here knowing I can fight for myself because I’m not so unsure and not so lacking in my sense of self-worth. I’ve even been called ‘sassy!’
If I had never come to Bona’s, I wouldn’t see the beauty in the little things. The beauty in the mist over the mountains, in feeding birds out of my hand, in running along the Allegheny River, in smoking cigars behind Francis Hall, in dancing to Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeroes with friends, in Justin Bieber sing a longs, in basketball games (especially that one time The BV beat The Buzz), in road trips to D.C., in Feats Fest, in scrapbooks of never-ending friendships, in giving in to being called Mandycakes Kleinsasser.
Looking back, I thank God every single day I was lucky enough to find Bonaventure and attend this school. I was an idiot for looking elsewhere when everything I wanted and needed was right here waiting for me.
Thank you to my BVers. To Kristy Kibler for moving me up in the first place. To Tim Gross and Kait Laubscher for sharing an office with all my craziness. To the Feats girls for making my life full of sunshine and rainbows and cat fashion shows. To everyone for taking shy Amanda Klein and making her the sassy Mandycakes Kleinsasser. I love you all.
To the journalism faculty for teaching me how to use commas and compound modifiers, and leading me through the stress and issues that come with being editor-in-chief of The BV. I wouldn’t be half the writer, editor or aspiring public relations strategist without your guidance and encouragement.
To Sarah Schweiger for getting me to Mount Irenaeus, for nativity scenes, for singing to our animal friends, and for laser light shows. I had the time of my life fighting dragons with you.
To my roommates, past and present, for random movie nights, making me smile on Thursday nights and for reminding me to have fun sometimes.
To Maria Hayes, my non-biological sister, the person who understands me better than anyone. I’m glad we nodded at each other at that awkward BV party because my life, and my Facebook page, wouldn’t be nearly as full without your friendship. Pluto will be our kingdom.
I especially need to thank my parents. They both knew Bona’s was the place for me, no matter how much I denied it. Mom and Dad, thank you for everything. You were right all along. I wouldn’t be this happy anywhere else, and I’m glad you love Bona’s as much as I do. I love you both.
Most of all, I have to thank Bona’s for existing, for bringing me in, changing my life and making me realize my life’s potential. I’ll carry Bona’s with me in the heart full of love it gave me.