BonaResponds travels to Breezy Point for disaster relief trip – The Bona Venture

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BonaResponds travels to Breezy Point for disaster relief trip

in NEWS by

By Annie Riley

Staff Writer

BonaResponds made a trip to Breezy Point, N.Y. during Thanksgiving break to help Hurricane Sandy victims. BonaResponds invited students, faculty, staff and alumni to participate.

Volunteers either met in Breezy Point or paid $10 for transportation to the disaster site, and 75 volunteers joined BonaResponds in previous trips to Rockaway Beach, near Rockaway Point, N.Y.

The trip took place Friday, Nov. 23 and ended Sunday, Nov. 25, according to a Nov. 15 university press release,

“I decided to go on this trip because I have already been to NYC twice and it was very clear that the people there still needed a lot of help,” said junior chemistry major Gregory Faughnan.

Hurricane Sandy’s surge hit Breezy Point destroying more than 100 homes, according to James Mahar, associative professor of finance and founder of BonaResponds.

“We gutted homes, cleaned out basements and first floors, and cleaned up the area around the town,” Mahar said. “It showed us once again that if you allow people to help, they will.  We have about 50 volunteers total for some part of the trip. Each worked very hard.  From start to finish we completed 20 jobs and repeatedly were the last crew out working under work lights until  well after dark.”

Billy Kelly, ‘95, from Rockaway, N.Y. helped the BonaResponds crew by offering their home for them to stay during the trip, according to Kelsey Driscoll, a Senior  international studies major

“One moment I would feel happiness because I was able to help someone in need.  The next moment I would absorb the scene around me and realize everyone there needs help.  It is much more than ‘cleaning up.’  It is trying to help restore entire lives and lift spirits,” Driscoll said.

BonaResponds plans to return to Breezy Point on Dec. 28 until Jan. 13 to continue cleanup.  This trip will be open to any volunteers who can choose how long or how short they would like to volunteer.  Any volunteer participating on this trip must fill out a form at http://bit.ly/PUezSL.


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