SGA coordinates annual Angel Tree Gift Drive – The Bona Venture

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SGA coordinates annual Angel Tree Gift Drive

in NEWS by

By Emily Carson

News Editor

Sophomore class officers of the Student Government Association (SGA) will be coordinating this year’s Angel Tree Gift Drive to benefit the Olean Day Care Center’s children in need.

Two years ago, freshman class officers Cody Clifford, Angeline Pham, Michael Robinson and Abby Harrington began the event.  After coordinating the program during their freshmen and sophomore years, the foursome decided to pass it on to this year’s sophomore class officers, President Samantha DiBenedetto and Vice President Ashley Hong, according to Harrington, vice president of SGA.

“It was very successful, and it was a great feeling helping others during the holiday season,” she said.

The idea of the event is to have anyone on campus take a tag or two off a tree that is set up in the Reilly Center, and buy the item that is written on the tag and return it, so it can be wrapped and given to someone in need.

“We were very fortunate to have a chance to sponsor Olean Child Day Care this winter,” Hong said.  “I am so happy that these projects worked out and just want to thank all the people who were able to take the tags and donate their gifts for other unfortunate families.”

Each tag has already been taken off the tree for this year and gifts are due today, according to Harrington.

“We are very proud of how hard the sophomore class worked on this project, and we are hoping for another successful year next year,” she said.

This year’s Angel Tree Gift Drive will provide more than 50 less fortunate children with gifts, according to Hong.

Last year, SGA officers worked through the Center for Community Engagement (CCE) and the Warming House. SGA President Cody Clifford said more than 50 Warming House guests received at least two gifts, ranging from senior citizens to infants. “Prior to making tags, we originally went to the Warming House and asked people there what they could use,” said Harrington. “Those things included blankets, gloves, boots, and children’s toys.”

Clifford is encouraging students to get involved and help the less fortunate.

“The majority of students on campus are going to be able to have a great Christmas and get for what they asked for,” Clifford said.  “By partaking in this event you are helping those less fortunate in the community by not only making their Christmas better, but getting them items that they need including gloves, coats and hats.”


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