Bernstein graces Glamour – The Bona Venture

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Bernstein graces Glamour


By Kiara Catanzaro

Staff Writer

Imagine being recognized by one of the top-selling magazines in the nation for an idea you’re passionate about. It sounds like an impossible dream, but for junior social entrepreneurship and altruism major Simone Bernstein, it is a reality. Bernstein was recently recognized by Glamour magazine as one of its Top 10 College Women in the nation.

“I was humbled, shocked and honored to be given the award,” Bernstein said. “We had to keep it a secret for about three to four months. It was great to finally see it here in the May issue of Glamour.”

Each year, Glamour magazine selects 10 college juniors in different disciplines who are nominated by their institutions. Bernstein was selected as the social entrepreneur and service-orientated category winner for her work with VolunTEENNation.com.

“I created a national nonprofit organization called VolunTEENNation.com that helps youth find volunteer opportunities throughout the country,” Bernstein said.

Aside from creating her own national organization, Bernstein also created her own major here at Bonaventure.

“I am a social entrepreneurship and altruism major, so I am taking a variety of different courses with science, sociology, business and psychology,” Bernstein said. “It was a major I created here knowing that I wanted to combine all of my interests.”

Bernstein is a part of the George Washington Medical School program here at school, and plans to attend medical school there in Washington, D.C. after Bonaventure. She hopes to have a future career as a medical correspondent, which will tie her goals and interests together.

Aside from her career aspirations, Bernstein has three specific goals concerning her website, VolunTEENNation.com, which she cofounded with her younger brother, Jake, to spread the word about volunteer opportunities for the youth of America.

“Our first goal is working on expanding the opportunities available on the site, since we haven’t been in existence that long — it’s only been a year since we have gone national,” Bernstein said. “We want to find organizations where youth can volunteer within 10 miles of their home.”

Their second goal focuses on expanding the site from a national to international platform.

“Our second goal is to create an international site or create a site that exists within other countries as well,” Bernstein said. “It’s something we hope to do, but it’s also something far ahead in the future.”

Finally, Bernstein hopes to have her empowering message toward youth live on through her site when she graduates.

“I believe our motto is ‘by teens, for teens,’” she said. “Everyone who runs the site is youth. They are high school, college and middle school students who are trying to make a difference. By the time I graduate from St. Bonaventure, I hope there will be other kids to lead and help the site grow.”


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