The Spring 2013 Razzberries – The Bona Venture

St. Bonaventure's Student-Run Newspaper since 1926

The Spring 2013 Razzberries


The Day the Music Died Award goes to the Campus Activities Board for leaving us to drink whiskey and rye without a Spring Concert.

The Fee is Too Damn High Award goes to the administration for forcing students to exemplify the Franciscan tradition of poverty by imposing a new graduation fee.

The Pens and Needles Award goes to The Bona Venture for not knowing the difference between an insulin pen and an insulin needle. Our apologies to Olean General Hospital.

The One Night Stand Award goes to SBU Crushes for thrusting its way onto campus harder and faster than BonaMemes did last year.

The BV Lifetime Achievement Award goes to Father Bob Struzynski for dedicating more than 50 years of service to exemplifying Franciscan values and being one of the Bonnies’ favorite friars.

The Spirit of Saint Francis Award goes to Pope Francis I for reminding the world that the man from Assisi is still  the world’s number-one saint.

The Taking Care of Business Award goes to the William E. & Ann L. Swan Business Center  for making more progress in one year than Bonaventure Square  made in four.

The You’re Not Going Anywhere Award  goes to the RC Café for deciding 10 feet of cellophane was more environmentally friendly than a recyclable cardboard to-go container.

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