Bona’s community takes pledge to volunteer – The Bona Venture

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Bona’s community takes pledge to volunteer

in NEWS by
Kiara Catanzaro/The Bona Venture
BONNIES VOLUNTEER – Emily Doherty (left) and Carly Miraglia sign up students to volunteer in their community. If 2,000 Bona’s students pledge, Buffalo Bills linebacker Arthur Moats will visit campus to give a talk on volunteerism. Currently, more than 1,500 students have pledged to volunteer. Tomorrow is the final day to pledge.

By Kiara Catanzaro

News Assignment Editor

St. Bonaventure students, faculty, staff and alumni are pledging to volunteer in their communities. The University has a goal of 2,000 pledges and the community is coming together with a goal to bring Buffalo Bills linebacker Arthur Moats to campus.

Moats will visit campus and talk about the importance of volunteering once 2,000 Bonnies pledge to volunteer, according to Emily Doherty, a sophomore strategic communications and digital media major.

“I got involved with the pledge due to my internship with the public relations department at St. Bonaventure,” Doherty said.

Doherty said students can take the pledge to volunteer and help St. Bonaventure reach its goal.

“This is a great opportunity for our school to show how important volunteering is to all of us at the university,” Doherty said. “All we need is your name, email and ZIP code. We have 1,500 pledges and need to reach 2,000 by Saturday, Nov. 16.”

Simone Bernstein, founder of VolunTEEN Nation, is running this pledge with her foundation. The organization Bernstein, a senior  social entrepreneurship and altruism major, co-founded helps adolescents find volunteering opportunities in their local communities. She explained how students can win prizes if they take the pledge to volunteer.

“When a student signs up to volunteer, they will be entered in a drawing to win giveaways donated by the United Way of Buffalo and Erie County,” Bernstein said. “These giveaways include one pair of autographed Arthur Moats cleats, one Moats autographed jersey, tickets to a Buffalo Bills game and four Live United shirts autographed by Arthur Moats.”

Other colleges across the country are taking the pledge to volunteer in addition to St. Bonaventure.

“The United Way is teaming up with NFL teams across the country to encourage more people to volunteer,” Doherty said. “I wanted to get involved in the initiative because it’s an incredible cause and an amazing opportunity to engage the campus community.”

Bernstein discussed why volunteering is an essential component for all communities.

“The community will make a difference,” Bernstein said. “It’s important we consider giving our time to support organizations in need of volunteers.


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