Stock Box – The Bona Venture

St. Bonaventure's Student-Run Newspaper since 1926

Stock Box

in NEWS by

By Sean Corey

Contributing Writer

Students in Money Management (SIMM) is

St. Bonaventure’s stock market club located in the Dee

Family Financial Services Lab of the William E. and Ann L. Swan Business Center. Students from several majors meet

every Monday and Wednesday to discuss the markets,

economic news and, most importantly, decide which stocks to buy and sell.

There are three funds that comprise SIMM. The Long Fund concentrates on buying equities that will provide long-term and stable growth. The Energy Fund concentrates on taking advantage of the short-term fluctuations in energy markets. The Microfund focuses on lending small amounts of money (microloans) to people in the community who have trouble borrowing from traditional sources. All three funds use real money and are completely run by students which provide invaluable experience.

Each week in The Bona Venture, we will provide weekly updates of our funds and our top and worst

performing stocks. Additionally, we will share our Long Fund trading activity from the past week with a brief explanation on why we made each trade.

Knowing the stock market is an essential step towards

financial independence. This information is intended to

educate readers on how to trade stocks and improve

financial literacy.

This Week

Long Fund: $270,000

Energy Fund: $277,800


CAT 4.5%

AGNC 2.6%

GIS 1.1%

TEVA .45%


F -3.5%

QCOM -2.6%

GT -2.3%

GNC -1.3%

Trading Activity


HCA Holdings (HCA), 120 Shares

HCA operates 165 hospitals primarily in states with a high percentage of uninsured people including Texas and Florida. Typically, HCA has to write off 10 percent of total revenues due to the cost of uncompensated care. The rollout of federal healthcare legislation will provide insurance to more people, which should decrease the cost of uncompensated care and increase HCA’s earnings.

Target Price: $53.98


Met Life (MET), 90 Shares

An improving economy with rising interest rates should be good for life insurance companies by decreasing their liability burden and driving sales of annuities and insurance products. Additionally, Met Life has been expanding into emerging markets such as Latin America and Eastern Europe.

Target Price: $58.55



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