Dear BV…


“Two of my good friends asked me to room with them in Dev next year. How do I choose whom to live with?”


There certainly is never a shortage of stress when it comes to roommates and living arrangements in college, but we hope to help you slam the door on any unnecessarily housing drama. If you’re not completely set on living in Dev, explore some of your other options. Although you’d have to find more people to live with, living in Shay, Gardens, or Townhouses would offer you the opportunity to room with both of your friends in some capacity. However, if you believe you’re

destined for Dev, list the pros and cons of each scenario. There’s a chance one of your friends may have other roommate cards to play. Open the lines of communication, at least. Whatever you do, don’t be a doormat! There’s got to be a part of you who knows exactly which friend you want to room with. If not, decide which one of these Bonnies is most like your mother and room with them.

And, always remember, The Bona Venture is here for you.