Editor looks back on a Bona Venture dream in time gone by


By Emily Sullivan

Associate Editor

It’s surreal to me that I’m actually writing my senior editorial. Four years ago, when I first joined The Bona Venture, I read a few senior eds and thought “I won’t have to worry about that for a long time.”

But four years have gone by faster than I could have ever imagined, and I will never look back on my time at Bonaventure without thinking of the BV.

So first, I want to thank my original Op/Ed seniors, Maria Hayes and Chris Graham, for asking a freshman English major to write an ed to fill some space one week. You two were awesome and gave me the encouragement to keep writing every week.

A special thanks to the editor who actually promoted me, Mary Best. Not only are you the Hallie Parker to my Annie James, but you also stood by me and trained me in layout tirelessly so I would be ready to take control of the section after one semester. It was a pleasure co-running the section together, and I’m still amazed that we managed to run a section our senior year without losing our sanity completely. Love you!

Thank you to my original team of Deirdre Spilman and Kevin Rogers. You both dealt with my scatterbrained ways with little complaint and stuck by me during our late nights (even though we managed to get out of there by midnight after the first few weeks). I couldn’t have asked for a better team for my first reign as Op/Ed editor.

Thank you to everyone at the BV for putting up with my Broadway showcase on Wednesday nights and Thursday mornings. It’s been a pleasure knowing all of you and seeing the incredible work you all do.

I couldn’t write my senior ed without thanking Professor McNall. Not only did you talk me down from several major freak outs, but you always answered our 2 a.m. “can we really print this?” emails with remarkable promptness. The BV wouldn’t be the same without such a wonderful adviser.

Thank you to my roommates, Angel Roggie, Sara Ward, Brooke Perkins, Molly Schaefer and Mary for dealing with my crazy late- night antics. You five, as well as my other close friends here, have made my Bonaventure experience what it was, and I love you all for it.

I also need to say a huge thank you to my family. Words can’t express all that you have done for me throughout my life, and I love you all more than I can express in words. Thank you for sticking by me and always believing in me.

It has been a crazy and wonderful four years here, and I’m grateful for each and every moment. Thank you to everyone who played a part. Stay extraordinary, Bonnies.