Need to Feed – The Bona Venture

St. Bonaventure's Student-Run Newspaper since 1926

Need to Feed


Francis Cafe 2 black and whiteIn the medieval era, knights went on noble quests in search of captured royalty, or incredible riches and wonders. In the modern college era, students go on a noble quest in search of food, mostly starting pretty late every Friday and Saturday (and also Thursday and all the other days of the week) in search of that most precious of treasures: food.

For a Bonaventure student, the locales where this quest ends are few and far between. On campus, the only option for food past midnight is Cafe La Verna, offering very limited options and an atmosphere rather uninviting to the recently partied. On occasion, there may be food available in the Rathskeller, but not very consistently.

Off campus, Allegany features Graffiti (nee Mangia’s)…and nothing else open late. A trip into Olean offers food options in Walmart and McDonald’s, but these options lay far away from students.

After 10 p.m. on the weekend, students are basically forced off campus if they want food. Considering the limited options within a safe walking distance from school, the school should address this problem.

The limited options for food at night on the weekends present some serious problems that need to be addressed. Driving under the influence happens far more than anyone would like to admit. People drink and drive for all kinds of (bad) reasons, and one of them is trying to get food while drunk. While on campus food options won’t stop drinking and driving, it may provide some sort of benefit.

Niagara University offers a food court on campus to their students with multiple food options that are open until midnight on the weekends. Many schools across the country have student unions that are open late in the night offering food. It is an idea that is not unheard of, and its positives outweigh the associated costs.

Across from the main entrance to campus lies a vacant lot that once held a gas station. The lot is the perfect size to host a diner, either run by the school or leased out to members of the public. If the workers are strong-willed enough to deal with some drunk students, a diner simply serving greasy burgers and breakfast foods would quickly pay for itself.

Alternatively, parts of campus could be used for late night food options. Francis Hall does offer some foods to students late at night, but work could be done to make it a more inviting place for students to gather and get food on weekends. Some simple additions like couches and games and keeping it open later hours may feed hungry students while keeping them safe. Especially considering the limited use Francis currently gets, the school should try to do something with the building.

More food options for students would increase the happiness of the student body significantly. I doubt many students are thrilled with the options they have for food right now, but a few minor additions could go a long way, and it’s hard to believe they could be financially unviable.

Corey Krajewski is Opinions Editor of the Bona Venture. His email is krajewcj15@bonaventure.edu

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