CAB may hire student employee for weekend bus

in NEWS by

By Rachel Konieczny

News Editor


A student worker position may open on the late night bus to update students on the location of the bus.

Peter Bertoldo, junior Spanish and French major and Campus Activities Board (CAB) secretary, and Jackie Roberts, senior journalism and mass communication major and CAB co-public relations chair, proposed the idea during last week’s Student Government Association (SGA) meeting. Roberts said the idea was raised after the bus did not arrive one evening and several students waited outside for several hours.

“Overall, we proposed the student worker on the late-night bus to promote student safety and better relations with neighboring communities,” Roberts said.

Roberts said the new position would benefit students.

“If students know what time the bus is coming, they’d plan their nights around it,” Roberts said. “Rather than leaving where they are to wait outside or in local businesses, they’d leave closer to the time the bus would arrive.”

Roberts said Bonaventure considered purchasing a GPS device for the bus. However, that idea was dismissed last semester since it would not be feasible. Roberts was not aware of the reasoning as to why the device could not be purchased.

Roberts said the student employee would have access to the CAB Twitter account and post the locations listed on and update followers if the bus is not running. The position would require about 12 hours of work per week at minimum wage. Interested students should apply for the job via, similar to other campus jobs, Roberts said.

Bertoldo and Roberts proposed that SGA pay the position for the first month as a trial period while CAB and SGA develop a permanent plan if the pilot is successful.

Allison Field, a junior chemistry major, said she is aware of several circumstances when the bus has stopped running without first notifying students.

“It could get a bit tedious for someone to tweet at every single stop, but it definitely seems like something worth looking into,” Fields said. “Having some sort of a source students could contact or check to see the bus’s current location would be helpful.”

Roberts said the trial period will begin as soon as it is voted on and potentially approved.