Respect others’ opinions – The Bona Venture

St. Bonaventure's Student-Run Newspaper since 1926

Respect others’ opinions


By Elyse Kuhn

Contributing Writer


With the 2016 presidential election fast approaching, tensions are running high throughout America. Everywhere you look, you are bound to see some sort of ad, tweet, post or something. In addition to that, it is virtually impossible to go through the day without hearing something about one of the two major candidates.
The incredible amount of slander for each candidate seems to really get people heated, willing to fight for hours to defend their candidate. Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are without a doubt two of the worst people to be running for president. That being said, I am not one to really advocate for either of the two. However, that seems to not be the case for most people.
Left and right people are trash- talking the other political party’s candidate, taking every chance possible to publish slander because they think it will make people suddenly share the same views. The worst part is that in this election it is not just the voters consistently trash talking, but the candidates themselves, specifically Donald Trump, taking things to a whole new level.
Trump has tweeted multiple horrific things about his opponent, and Clinton is not much better. For me, that is a large reason as to why I believe neither candidate really has what it takes to be our president. The fact that both of the candidates are also 100 percent enabling and encouraging their followers to do the same thing they are doing is a huge problem.
People are increasingly disrespectful of other opinions not only on social media, but also when simply discussing thoughts on the election. During the debates, people on my floor walk around shouting about how anyone who doesn’t feel the same as them is wrong. I think people just need to understand and accept that everyone gets to form their own opinions.
Going on Twitter during debates, or even on any given day really, could easily start so much drama. People not only have opinions, but they post relentlessly about politics and a lot of the time it isn’t even to promote their candidate, but instead to say some rude things about the other. People seem to be unable to keep their mouths shut, and they cannot resist pushing their views on others.
People just need to get over the fact that sometimes others don’t think or feel the same as you. People seem to be incapable of respecting other views, consistently telling them that they are wrong just because they don’t see things the same way. A big thing in America is freedom of speech, and yes, people should be able to say how they feel, but that doesn’t mean that people should be shaming others for thinking a different way themselves.

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