Halloween weekend safety preparations – The Bona Venture

St. Bonaventure's Student-Run Newspaper since 1926

Halloween weekend safety preparations

in NEWS by

By Jessica Dillon

Contributing Writer

As Halloween weekend begins, the campus community is prepared to ensure student safety.

Diana Calhoun, a security officer who has worked for the university since 1976, said that in her experience Halloween weekend has always been a safe affair.

“The only things I really see are kids dressing up—and I’ve also seen employees dress up—but it’s always been very safe,” Calhoun said. “We really haven’t had any problems except possibly with people drinking too much.”

Calhoun said university security officers follow normal procedure during Halloween weekend.

“We might have a few extra guards on the later hours,” Calhoun said. “Maybe at the tail-end of the second shift, and into the third shift we might have one or two extra people, but we’re always patrolling.”

Jasmine Clasing, a sophomore sociology major and second-year member of the Medical Emergencies Response Team, said MERT treats Halloween weekend like any other big event.

“MERT prepares for Halloween as any other eventful weekend. Usually we have extra people on call, ready for anything that could potentially happen on campus,” Clasing said.

As spokeswomen for campus safety, both Calhoun and Clasing aimed advice at students who plan to go out on Halloween.

“If you go to a house party, go as a group,” Calhoun said. “Know where you’re going, know what you’re eating and know what you’re drinking. Don’t leave open containers around, because someone could easily slip something in there. Carry money in case you have to call a cab, and carry a phone with you.”

Calhoun also warned students to plan their costumes accordingly.

“The one thing I would say to anybody—even kids—is when you dress up in costumes, make sure they’re visible,” Calhoun said. “The drivers don’t see you, so at least have those reflective strips or maybe glow sticks or flashlights.”

Clasing offered similar warnings.

“It’s getting cold out, so dress accordingly for the weekend even if it doesn’t correspond with your costume,” Clasing said. “Do not drink and drive. I know we’ve all heard it a million times, but you’d be surprised how many people don’t listen. If you’re going out this weekend, please have friends with you. Take care of your roommates and be the responsible friend. They’ll thank you in the future.”

Amanda Brogan, a junior education major and resident assistant on the third floor of Shay Hall, said that her resident director also emphasized Halloween weekend safety.

“In our most recent [RA] meeting we talked about mostly the weather changing,” Brogan said. “It’s supposed to snow on Friday or Saturday, and we do know people go out. I’d always like people to stay in, but people go out.”

Brogan said the meeting stressed the importance of dressing in costumes suitable for the weather.

“As RAs, we want people to remember to wear appropriate attire,” Brogan said. “Take jackets and gloves and even a hat. Stash them in a room or tie them around your waist. There’s nothing wrong with putting on leggings underneath your sexy cat costume.”

Brogan also warned against the dangers of over-indulging.

“Be aware of bingeing. Not that I’m saying drinking is horrible, deadly and sinful, but I think more people binge on Halloween because there’s a lot more drinking happening,” Brogan said. “Five drinks over your whole night isn’t a whole lot, but five drinks in 20 minutes is very dangerous.”

Students should call (716) 375-2525 if they need any assistance this weekend.


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