Movie reboots should be celebrated – The Bona Venture

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Movie reboots should be celebrated


Hollywood loves to reboot their successful stories. King Kong, Ghostbusters, Spider-Man and Planet Of The Apes have all been remade and the list goes on and on. People complain, claiming Hollywood is unoriginal and not interested in creating new quality stories. I disagree. I think there should be more reboots; the world should revolve around reboots.

Reboots have the chance to appeal to everyone. Going to the movies has always been a family affair and now with reboots everyone can have something to relate to. Imagine watching a film that your grandfather and your dad both saw as children. That closes a gap between generations.

There’s a big chance that your parents didn’t have smartphones and social media growing up. There’s a generational gap, probably the biggest one there’s ever been, and reboots can help close that gap.

With each reboot comes a different interpretation. Take each Batman movie for example, one could argue that they’re tired of seeing his parents die or could argue who’s the best Batman. The cast and crew may change, yet the essence, the reasons we are all fans, stays the same.

Don’t take chances with your money, watch a reboot. Going to the movies could cost around $27.34, that includes a ticket, popcorn and soda for one person.

The only movies that are rebooted are those with a proven track record, the box office hits. Star Trek and even James Bond films are considered reboots each time the actor changes. The word reboot has a negative connotation with most people, but in reality it’s just bringing back proven success. In reality, Star Wars: The Force Awakens can be described as a soft reboot. It had the same exact plot as A New Hope and was made to attract a new generation of fans.

If it’s true that millennials ruin everything, the one thing they can’t ruin is a reboot. Bringing back something everyone loved grants instant access to nostalgic memories.

Many things seem backward in the world right now. Uber and Lyft are trying to create driverless cars, television is basically extinct, when was the last time somebody actually bought an album, the Warriors blew a 3-1 lead and Trump is president. Sometimes people need to be taken back to a simpler time. Reboots can be that escape everyone needs.

Luis Rosario is a contributing writer for the Bona Venture. His email is rosaril14@bonaventure.edu

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