Wellness Center opens self-service medication station – The Bona Venture

St. Bonaventure's Student-Run Newspaper since 1926

Wellness Center opens self-service medication station

in NEWS by

By Amber Levias

Staff Writer

The Wellness Center introduced a new way for students to get medicine on the go. The new self-service station, located in the wellness facility, provides free medication for students across campus.
“Students can obtain over-the-counter medicines to treat minor illnesses and complaints without waiting to be seen by a nurse or medical provider,” said Becky Seefeldt, medical provider of SBU Health and Services. “Students may still schedule an appointment with the medical provider for further evaluation and treatment.”
Seedfeldt and other staff members of the Wellness Center, including Bona alum and director for the Center for Student Wellness, Christopher Anderson, came together to create this beneficial service for the student body.
“It allows students to help themselves and sign medicine out,” said Anderson.
Anderson, who became director last June, stated that since other colleges had a service like this, it was time for Bonaventure to have one of its own.
“It’s just an additional convenience for students,” said Anderson. “Sometimes students don’t feel like they need to be seen by a doctor. This enhances what students feel like they need that’s just quick and easy.”
The first time a student comes to seek medicine through the self-service center, they must first sign a waiver, a standard procedure stating that they are obtaining over-the-counter medicine, allowing them to choose a limited amount of medicine. After the waiver is signed, subsequent visits allow the student to sign out whatever medicine they need.
To keep medicinal usage private, a student must sign out medicine by using his or her ID number. When signing out, there’s also information sheets students can take which explain the general information about the medicine they’re taking.
Students are always still welcome to the Wellness Center to schedule appointments as the self-service center can also help students until they see a medical professional, Anderson said.
“Students can always make an appointment to see the provider on campus, Monday, Wednesday, Friday,” said Anderson. “But this tides them over until they can get an appointment if they feel they need it.”
Students have stated their opinions on the self-serve station, though it is fairly new.
“I think it’s amazing and actually makes the wellness center a lot more useful,” said freshman physics major Angelina Giglio. “I will probably be going to the wellness center much more often.”
Other students have praised the self-service center for providing them with the opportunity to get medicine without any upfront costs.
“I think it’s a great idea in a sense some people can’t afford those things,” said freshman strategic communication major Hailey Dutton. “I will definitely go use the facility.”
Sophomore Jacqueline Philp, a triple-certification early education major, recognizes the necessity of the new system in an environment where students may not make their health a priority.
“I believe that this new system is fantastic for campus students,” said Philp. “Often freshmen come in prepared for class and room décor, but they’re unprepared for being sick throughout the year.”
Philp said she was among the few who came prepared.
“At the moment, I will not be using the provided services in college so I came prepared with a miniature medicine kit,” said Philp. “In the future, I will use this service because it is expensive to buy these over-the-counter drugs and some students, when sick, are not fit to drive to Wal-mart to get these medicines.”
The Wellness Center is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. A medical provider is available Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m.


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