University to host Spring into Love – The Bona Venture

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University to host Spring into Love

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St. Bonaventure University will host Spring into Love, a women’s retreat, this Friday at St. Elizabeth’s Motherhouse in Allegany.
About ten female students, faculty and staff members will travel to the Motherhouse at 115 E. Main St. to reflect spiritually and discuss what it means to love.
“Throughout this retreat, we are going to be focusing a lot on the bigger picture, as finals are approaching, and loving yourself for who you have become,” said Sarah Rose Costello, a sophomore education major and a coordinator at the Warming House.
This will be Costello’s first time going to the Motherhouse, she said.
The bus will leave from Café La Verna at 4 p.m. on Friday and will return around 8 p.m.
The Motherhouse accommodates the Franciscan Sisters of Allegany. Their mission is to live by the Gospel of God and to serve those who are less fortunate. For more information, visit www.alleganyfranciscans.org.
Costello said she has been working alongside Sr. Liz, O.S.F., who lives at the Motherhouse, to plan the retreat.
“I wanted to plan this event because there was a great interest in going to the Motherhouse and wanting to build a community with the sisters,” Costello said.
Costello and Liz have a lot planned for the attendees of the retreat.
“On this retreat, we will start off with an icebreaker to get to know each other,” said Costello. “We will then have a tour of the Motherhouse, enjoy a meal together, have reflection that goes along with the big picture of life and conclude with a take away, which is a craft. For the craft, we will cut out words and pictures that describe ourselves and glue them into the heart expressing self-love.”
Costello said she looks forward to the retreat and believes it will be beneficial for those attending.
“As finals are approaching, I think that this retreat is an awesome opportunity to take a deep breath, look at the big picture and appreciate yourself,” Costello said.


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