CPRC continues to offer EDGE program – The Bona Venture

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CPRC continues to offer EDGE program

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The EDGE program is back for its third year to offer professional development skills to St. Bonaventure University students.

“The EDGE program’s intention is to help students gain the skills they need for graduate school and employment,” said Marie Wilson, EDGE program coordinator and career counselor at the CPRC. “Students are receiving a great education and foundation from St. Bonaventure, however, we were finding from internship websites, employers and grad schools that students were lacking the soft-skills necessary to being successful. This is not only at Bonaventure, but it’s nationwide, which is why we started this program.”

Participants must attend six seminars throughout the year on different topics such as self-awareness, professional communication, workplace dynamics, interviewing, networking and personal branding. However, there are other requirements in order to receive the final certificate, said Wilson.

“Of the six seminars includes a mandatory professionalism seminar,” said Wilson. “Students must also complete and have the CPRC sign off on their resume.”

The program will continue to offer popular seminars such as All-star LinkedIn, Knock-Out Marketing, Navigating your New Work Environment and Building your Personal Brand, but they also have other ideas in the works, said Wilson.

“This year, we are partnering with University Ministries to do a careers in non-profit panel,” said Wilson. “We are also planning a grad school prep panel for arts and science students. We’re also hoping to offer a leadership seminar.”

The program will be bringing in guest speakers, including Paul Barretta, Ph.D., assistant professor and department of marketing chair, and Erik Seastedt, human resources director, said Wilson.

The program’s numbers have grown over two years. 75 participants completed the program in 2015-2016 and 116 participants completed it in 2016-2017, said Wilson.

The main challenge with The EDGE Program is making the seminars work with student’s busy schedules, said Wilson.

“Many students who sign up and want to complete the program are leaders on campus or they’re very involved in campus organizations,” said Wilson. “I think sometimes when we offer certain seminars, it doesn’t bode well with their schedules.”

In recognition of this issue, the EDGE plans to offer more seminars at different times.

“We are trying to offer more diverse times, including evenings and potentially a weekend program to help student finish,” said Wilson.

Wilson believes that students who participate in the EDGE program will standout to future employers or graduate schools.

“At the end of the day, this program is helping students gain soft skills,” said Wilson. “Employers and graduate schools want to see that students have the emotional intelligence, maturity, leadership, teamwork and other abilities that will make them successful.”

“The most valuable information that I learned from been part of the EDGE Program is how to professionally market yourself,” said Dyanna Moreira, a senior psychology major and participant of the 2016-2017 EDGE program. “For example, I learned it’s not only important what you are putting down in a pieces of paper, but it is how you present yourself when they meet you for the first time and that you are able to speak about what you have done.”

Andrew Garbacz, a junior sports management major, who participated in last year’s EDGE program, said his favorite part was the annual etiquette dinner.

“I liked it because it was the first time that we were told how to do something and we actually got to put the things that we were being taught to use,” said Garbacz. “We were able to practice the professional skills of having a dinner meeting with a potential employer or our current boss. I found this dinner to be very helpful and now I know the do’s and don’ts at dinner.”

Wilson hopes students will be more excited about their future after the program, whether it’s landing their first internship or career position.
“I want them to feel more confident in going into employment and graduate school,” said Wilson. “I also hope through the EDGE program, students continue to partner with the CPRC to prepare themselves for the new step and to feel more comfortable coming here.”

Sophomores, juniors and seniors can register for the 2017-2018 EDGE program at www.sbu.edu/CPRC. The deadline to register is Sept. 14. The mandatory kickoff event will be on Monday, Sept. 18.



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