Student Success Center under way – The Bona Venture

St. Bonaventure's Student-Run Newspaper since 1926

Student Success Center under way

in NEWS by

By Emily Losito

Associate Editor

St. Bonaventure University has seen a lot of construction trucks and caution tape in previous months. Recently, the floors of Plassmann Hall have been sprinkled in dust due to the new additions and remodeling of the first floor. Currently, it’s being transformed into the Student Success Center.
Five forces, according to Jean Trevarton Ehman, merged together to form the SSC.
“It’s uncommon for students not to have classes in Plassmann, especially for freshmen and sophomores,” Ehman, director of the Learning Center, said. “So this is a centralized location to help students.”
The Higher Education Opportunity Program is joining First Year Experience, the Learning Center, the Online Support and International Student Services and the Disabilities Support Service to aid to students’ success.
Chris Brown, director for First-Year Experience and orientation, said these programs help students academically and socially.
“For students, this will be like a one-stop shop for resources that support success,” Brown said. “[The SSC] will help them achieve their goals and they won’t have to question if they’re in the right place.”
He said that before, the programs were all in different locations, which made it somewhat confusing to prospective and freshmen students.
“Personally, I’m very excited about [the Plassmann] location…. Usually I’m on the phone with people from the LC or HEOP,” Brown said.
He said it will be nice for him to walk down the hall instead of walking across campus multiple times a day or trying to explain to students where various programs are located.
“This location, students are in and out of this building all day, so it’s convenient and helps them step in the right direction,” Brown said.
Jared Smith, associate director of facilities operations, said the SSC is on track to be up and running in early October.
“Mostly, we’re just waiting for furniture to ship now, and it should ship mid-September…. Men have been installing TVs, and we’re fixing some air-condition and heating units,” Smith said.
He said he worked on previous projects for the university including the new McGinley-Carney Center for Franciscan Ministry, the updates in Robinson and Falconio Halls and the Swan Business Center.
“I liked those projects, but I also like this one a lot. It looks so much nicer in here already,” Smith said. “I think this is a big checkmark.”
Some of the new features that will be seen on the first floor of Plassmann include: two reception areas for the SSC, a technology learning center, updated classrooms and furniture, a women’s restroom entrance in the hall, a private testing area, math and writing labs and honors and student lounges.
Ehman said the tutoring section will be open later into the night after the programs are moved in.
“You can see De La Roche [Hall] and the library from the tutoring section,” she said. “In my mind, I hope with all the lights on, it acts as a beacon for students.”


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