As my last week as Opinion Editor of The BV comes to an end, I’ve reflected on the eventful semester and realized how much I have to be thankful for.
Before anything, I am thankful for my parents and their sacrifices made to send five children to college. I am thankful for my friends, more specifically those from Bona’s, who have helped provide a more enjoyable college experience than I could’ve imagined. I am thankful for the Philadelphia Eagles for winning the Super Bowl and I am thankful for the Bonnies men’s basketball team for making March one of the most hectic months of my life. Most of all, I’d like to thank The BV staff members for their helpfulness, friendliness and inclusion.
Prior to beginning my semester in this position, I had only written one BV article in five semesters as a student. I remember the weekly occasion of telling Dom LoVallo and Ethan MacKrell, “I’ll write something next week,” which never worked out. However, this is the only thing I regret about my time at St. Bonaventure so far. Had I known the number of relationships I would develop through The BV, I definitely would’ve given it more serious thought.
However, that didn’t happen, and I went into this semester, unknown among the BV staff members. I had no idea what to expect, but everyone on the staff helped me adjust and learn everything I needed to know very quickly. They helped me improve my writing, editing and time management skills without it being a burden.
More importantly, I developed strong friendships with people I had never expected to be friends with. At a school as small as Bona’s, I assumed I wouldn’t meet many more people other than incoming students. I was quickly proven wrong, as I developed strong relationships and had some of the best conversations of my collegiate career while sitting at the opinions desk.
So, my final “thank you” goes out to everyone at The BV. You all welcomed me with open arms, despite my lack of experience, and you all helped me become a better writer, editor and person. I’ll always be proud to be a part of The BV.

The Top 100 College Football Players from 2010 to 2023: 50-41
Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons BY COLIN BISH, STAFF WRITER 50. Quarterback