The Princeton Review recently selected St. Bonaventure University as one of “The Best 384 Colleges” in the country. St. Bonaventure is said to provide “a well-rounded college experience that allows [students] to feel confident after graduation, great academic programs and an enormously huge heart,” and added “it’s not that hard to go to school in the middle of nowhere.”
Going into my senior year, I’ve heard about Bona’s being in the middle of nowhere with nothing to do and Olean being a small, boring town. I’ve worked on campus for the past two summers, so I’ve essentially lived here for the past two years, and I’ve started to disagree with these statements.
While Olean, New York, population 13,794, is by no means a hub of activity, there is definitely plenty to do here. One advantage Olean has on other cities is a variety of good restaurants. During the three weeks the orientation team was on campus, we ate at a different restaurant nearly every single night. There’s American, Italian, Mexican, Japanese, Indian, Pakistani; and if none of that whets your appetite, Ellicottville is a short drive away.
Speaking of driving, the statement “St. Bonaventure is in the middle of nowhere” is not true; in reality, St. Bonaventure is in the middle of everything. Buffalo and Erie are both only an hour-and-a-half drive. Rochester is two hours; the Grove City outlet mall is two-and-a-half; Niagara Falls is under two hours.
There are things to do that aren’t as far a drive either. Good Times of Olean is well known to St. Bonaventure students, and the place lives up to its name. Beyond the bowling alley, Good Times features putt-putt golf, sand volleyball courts and batting cages. The movie theater next to Walmart is another fun spot; word to the wise, if you sign up for AMC Stubs, movies are only $5 on Tuesdays. There’s even a drive-in theater in Portville.
If you’d rather get outside and experience nature, Allegany State Park is about a half hour away, while Rock City Park is only 15 minutes. Alternatively, you really don’t even need to leave campus, as the Allegheny River Trail loops around campus, by the river and a longer route into Olean.
Even if none of that sounds exciting, the claim St. Bonaventure has nothing to do is just plain wrong. Campus Activities Board is constantly hosting events and there are sports happening nearly every weekend. Campus is alive with activity, and if you’re bored here, try something new! Climb the rock wall or play squash in the Richter Center, go for a run around campus or get involved with a new club.
While Olean and Allegany might be small in size, St. Bonaventure University is right in the middle of the action. Restaurants, nightlife and things to do are just down the street.

The Top 100 College Football Players from 2010 to 2023: 50-41
Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons BY COLIN BISH, STAFF WRITER 50. Quarterback