Letters from athletes: Destinee Johnson


By Destinee Johnson, senior, St. Bonaventure women’s lacrosse

My teammates and I were on a bus to Canisius ro our eighth game of the season when the first conference canceled its spring sports. We joked about how that would never happen to us, it just seemed too surreal. Alongside the other captains, we did our usual pre-game speech in the visiting locker room. We made a point to remind our teammates to leave everything on the field and play like it is the last chance you will have to play the sport you love.

I never actually thought it would be the last game of my career.

When I first got word that the Atlantic 10 Conference decided to cancel all spring sports, I was in complete shock. It did not feel real. My entire athletic career, from the day I picked up a lacrosse stick to every high school practice and training session, had been working towards this moment. My collegiate senior season. Within seconds, it was stripped from me. I was, and still am, devastated. I continue to remind myself that this is the right thing. Protecting the lives of people in our community is what is most important, but I cannot help but feel so much heartbreak. I had lost everything I had been working so hard for without any warning.

My heart goes out to all the senior athletes who were told they had played their last game without knowing it. The senior athletes who have given so much of themselves to their sports and don’t get to end it on their own terms. And especially to those senior athletes who, even if the NCAA grants us one more year of eligibility, cannot take it for their own reasons.

Saying goodbye to the sport that I have dedicated so much time to just scratches the surface. This program has given me so much to be proud of and thankful for. I have grown immensely as an athlete, but even more so as an individual. I have experienced my lowest lows that I can only thank this program and my teammates for getting me through. I have also been lucky enough to experience some of the best moments of my life here. Most importantly, I have been given a family full of amazing young women. We share a bond through St. Bonaventure women’s lacrosse that no one else will ever be able to understand. We have fought through tough situations that have only brought us closer. Given the chance, I wouldn’t go back and change a thing about my time here.

St. Bonaventure is more than a university to me. It has truly become my home away from home. I made amazing memories here that will never be forgotten. I have been able to play the game I love most here. And most importantly, I made my life-long friends. Bona’s will always hold a special place in my heart and I am forever grateful for my time here. To my teammates and coaches over the last four years, I can never thank you enough for all you have given me. Having the opportunity to wear St. Bonaventure across my chest with all of you by my side has truly been the greatest gift. Never take a second on the field for granted. You never know when it could end.

I am beyond excited for the future of the women’s lacrosse program. Alongside my classmates, we promise to be your biggest fans. Retirement, here we come! #4, out.
