It is okay to be scared right now – The Bona Venture

St. Bonaventure's Student-Run Newspaper since 1926

It is okay to be scared right now

in OPINION/Uncategorized by

By Matthew Villanueva, Features Editor

With Halloween creeping up in the calendar, it is the time many refer to as “spooky szn.” But a day three days following All Hallows’ Eve may lead to more fearful screams than the antepenultimate— Election day 2020.
If you’re scared right now, whether it be due to the spooky season, the apparent perpetual-ness of the COVID-19 pandemic or the fearmongering given off by practically every name on a voting ballot—along with their fervent supporters— it is okay.
With the two main presidential candidates’ platforms seemingly being “I’m not him and this is why the other guy is worse,” the candidates have been emitting fear into the American people more than the one guy who always goes way too hard for Halloween.
It is okay to be scared right now, even helpful at times. Besides the adrenaline that helps boost your immune system and save your life in physically fearful situations, fear is a valid feeling, no matter the time.
Fear can help give people clarity on what is important to them. Many people may be scared for a sick friend or child or scared for their own lives after a traumatic event. The stress given off from the fear can help focus on what is significant to you.
Fear can also help you socialize and empathize with other people who may be anxious for similar reasons.
If your fear is of the future of America, it is especially pertinent in this point in history. Many people’s freedoms seem to be on the ballot, on both sides, across the world. For many conservatives, their right to bear arms seems to be fleeting. For many liberals, they see racial equality and the fate of the earth on the ballot. For both, despite differing views, resolving issues such as healthcare, immigration and the economy are all up in the air come one of the most important elections of our lifetime.
With the political campaigns appearing to become more pessimistic every day, fear mongering has become more of a tactic by candidates rather than campaigning based on their respective political stances.
If you’re anxious about your future after college, that is also okay. College is a stressful time; especially this seemingly ceaseless semester, the influx of tests, papers and projects continues to stack up for everyone. You are not alone. Empathize and study with others who also may be feeling overwhelmed.
So, if you’re scared right now, whether it be about the future of the free world, the continued pandemic, the future of your career or because your idiot roommate can’t get their head out of a pumpkin, you’re not alone and your anxiety is valid.
In a world where you can be anything—including scared— be kind as well.


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