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People need to break out of comfort zones



Comfort Zones, we all have them. There are a multitude of comfort zones. For each and every single person, a comfort zone looks different. My comfort zones are exceedingly small and minimal. I like to be by myself most of the time, but sometimes I go out and have fun with friends.

Another comfort zone of mine is knowledge. I really love to learn new things from others and try myself with a variety of many topics. I love my comfort zones, and I like to stay in my comfort zones.

When you are four, you talk to anyone, and it is the easiest thing. Then as you go through school and through college, you tend to come out of your comfort zones. Coming from a small high school, I grew up with a lot of my friends from high school, so I felt comfortable around them. When leaving high school, I had to come out of my shell. I did not have any friends coming in. I did not make any friends in orientation, nothing.

I found that one person who gave me a chance to have a friendship and made me step out of my shell. Then more people saw me come out of my shell. It felt nice to get out of my comfort zone just by myself. That summer coming into school, I sheltered myself off from others. I did not do this intentionally, but I felt like I needed to protect myself from what could damage me.

People do this all the time; they do not want to get out of their comfort zones. They shelter themselves in a normal routine of their lives, but I do not think it should be like this. Breaking that habit is the hardest thing to do. Trust me, I know.

In the world today, there are certain topics that people do not like to talk about. Through some of my classes, I never realized that there were many topics that people do not like to talk about. I only had a few, but hearing others talk about what they are comfortable with was shocking to me.

Personally, now I think that comfort zones should be broken. If I did not break some of my comfort zones, I honestly would not be able to work at an establishment. I was so used to being in my own world and not wanting to be able to connect with others for a while.

Breaking out of my shell really helped me see what was going on around me and what I wanted to do with my life. I changed so much in that abbreviated time, and breaking myself really helped me become who I am today. I am not telling people to push themselves too hard. If you want to, that’s all you. If you’re comfortable, push yourself.

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