Join the Club, Kid! 


  New to campus or looking for ways to make new friends and get involved? Join the club(s) kid! Whether you live 45 minutes away or 10 hours away starting at a new school is hard. It is difficult to get into a routine and acclimated to a new schedule. The best way to make all that interesting is to join a club! St. Bonaventure has a diverse community with many exciting clubs to choose from. Are you interested in politics? Join SBU’s college republicans, or democrats, or find out how to get involved with SGA. Are you passionate about dance, culture, or both? We have the clubs for you! We have a plethora of clubs, so it won’t be hard to find your niche. 

      Now I’m sure you’re thinking, “Meghan, there are so many clubs, and it’s too overwhelming, how can I possibly choose?” That is understandable, but you have yet to consider arguably the best club on campus, The Bona Venture.  The newspaper is always looking for new people to collaborate with, so there is always room for more creative minds. The commitment level is low, one article a week if you choose to write as a staff writer, but you do not have to commit to that. Some weeks might be less busy and you feel like writing, whilst other weeks you are too busy to write. There are four sections: Opinion (the best), Sports, News, and Features. There are also opportunities for photography, selling ads, as well as writing. The BV not only allows you to meet new people but also gives you the opportunity to get your work published. 

       But in all honesty, any club on campus is a good way to get involved and get closer to your peers. If you are still unsure, or too busy for clubs, do not worry! Take advantage of events hosted by the aforementioned clubs. Check the Notice Board for upcoming activities that are free to students! This past Friday I attended a CAB event where I tie-dyed tee shirts and ate walking tacos. So definitely keep an eye out for free food and merch events, because trust me when I tell you everyone has time for that.

By Meghan Baehl