CAB introduces new events for spring semester – The Bona Venture

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CAB introduces new events for spring semester

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Group picture from CAB Cedar Point trip

Courtesy of: sbucab Instagram page


Jalen Morales, a sophomore fine arts major, enjoys spending time with his friends at St. Bonaventure. One of the ways Morales likes to spend time with his friends is to attend events hosted by the Campus Activity Board. 

“I try to go to every CAB event and I’ve been on almost every trip,” said Morales. 

Bonaventure hosts several on and off-campus events throughout each academic year. These events include trips to New York City and the NFL Draft party. The Campus Activity Board is responsible for planning these events. 

This semester, CAB is introducing new events and bringing back old favorites for the students of Bonaventure to participate in. 

Jenna Keppel, assistant director for student activities programming and engagement, is in charge of setting up and planning the CAB events. Keppel assists in planning events such as Family Weekend and the Stress Less Fest as well.

Keppel starts her planning in the summer in order to get everything ready for the upcoming fall semester

“I typically take the whole summer and plan out what events we are going to do for the whole fall,” said Keppel. That includes all the CAB events, that includes Family Weekend and the stress less event that happens at the end of the year.” 

Despite planning in advance, Keppel advertises events and creates sign-ups closer to the event. Prizes such as flex dollars, TV’s and Buffalo Bills tickets for events like scavenger hunts or bingo are usually bought the day of or the day before the event. 

Keppel started her position this past year and has been planning events that she hopes the students will enjoy.

“A lot of trial and error,” said Keppel “I’ve worked at several different schools doing the same thing. 

Keppel wants to take in the students’ perspectives. This past year she sent out a survey asking students for feedback on what kind of events they want to see throughout the year. 

“I could go and plan a bunch of events that I think people would like, but I would rather hear from the students what they would actually want to have and go to,” said Keppel.

One of the new events happening this year is a Paint, Plot, Plant night — which falls right around Earth Day. At the event, participants will be able to plant their choice of plant and paint the pot they put the plant in. This event is set to take place April 19 at 6:30 p.m. in the Rathskeller. 

“What I’m picturing is buying a bunch of little pots [and] people can paint the pots, and then you will be able to plant either a bamboo plant, a bonsai tree or a little succulent in that pot,” said Keppel.

Off-campus trips are one type of event that CAB offers, which are capped at 54 students due to seat availability on the bus. CAB has not had problems filling up the bus for trips in the past, said Keppel. 

In the past, CAB has taken students to sporting events in Buffalo, New York City and Washington D.C for day trips. 

Gabby Mancuso, a freshman early education major, attended the CAB trip to Cedar Point this past September. 

“I participated in the Cedar Point trip because I love amusement parks. I needed a break from campus and wanted a chance to meet some more people,” said Mancuso. 

Mancuso pointed out that the trip was managed well. 

“We left campus at a reasonable time and had plenty of time to roam around the park and do what we wanted to do there without having to really worry about a timeline,” said Mancuso. 

Mancuso said CAB does have good ideas, but trips are a highlight for her because it allows for stress-free travel. 

“I like being able to get off campus without having the stress of having to worry about things like gas, money or for some of my friends who don’t have cars, it’s their only chance,” said Manusco. “They [CAB] have decent ideas. Some of the events I like more than others but I prefer the trips more.” 

Morales agrees with Mancuso. He’s grateful for the time Keppel puts into planning the events and trips. 

“Jenna Keppel makes it worth it,” said Morales. 

Manusco was given the opportunity to leave campus for a day at Cedar Point, something she may not have been able to do without the help of CAB.

“I like that we are given the ability to leave campus and go on trips for a decent price that I otherwise probably wouldn’t be able to go on by myself,” said Manusco.


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