St. Bonaventure's Student-Run Newspaper since 1926

Best of Bonaventure Has Stood the Test of Time



Image courtesy of St. Bonaventure

So many things have changed since I first walked this charming campus as a mass communication major, played on the baseball team and served as a staff writer for The Bona Venture almost four decades ago.

There’s the Swan Business Center, the quick center for the arts, Walsh Science Center, Doyle Conference Center, new campus townhouses, a new Friary, re-imagined Francis Hall and a new-look Plassmann Hall; not to mention all the alterations within the residence halls that have been completed.

Heck, even Hickey Dining Hall and the “Skeller” have been recently renovated. And the Marra Athletic Complex was nothing more than a series of grass — and dirt — playing fields back then. No artificial playing surfaces, no dugouts and certainly no press boxes of any kind.

Yet while the physical appearance of the Bonaventure’s campus has significantly transformed since my graduation in 1987, some of the most alluring qualities of this community nestled hard against the Allegheny Mountains have remained largely unchanged.

   It starts with the kindness of the people who comprise this wonderful community. Then there is the fierce pride and unmatched passion for the institution itself held by current students, staff and alumni alike. That hasn’t changed, either. And there remains an unmistakable warmth immediately felt when pulling off West State Street into our Brown and White haven.

No, the best things about Bonaventure haven’t changed a bit. They’ve stood the test of time. These incredible features existed long before my association with the university and are sure to last as long as our brown and white banner is unfurled.

To that end, I’d like to thank the alumni, staff, faculty, coaches, students, student-athletes and of course, University President Jeff Gingerich for the warm welcome and return to the Bona community. You have made my transition seamless and immensely enjoyable.

The warmth I experienced when I first stepped foot on this stunning campus nearly 40 years ago remains real and palpable. It’s all part of our Franciscan values, which serve as the backbone of our incredible culture, which continues to be nurtured on these grounds every day.

Many folks have asked what my first 100 days as athletic director will look like. Simply put, it will look a lot like the first three months for many of our freshmen on campus. I will absorb as much information from as many sources as possible.

I am amid what I label a “stop, look, listen and learn tour.” Over the course of the next two months, I will continue to meet with as many of our constituents and stakeholders as possible with the distinct goal of listening to learn. I have already held “listening” sessions with more than two dozen coaches and staff members, as well as nearly a dozen of the university’s senior leaders, including vice presidents, deans, unit directors and countless students and student-athletes.

The Bona community should also know that as we move forward, we will remain in complete alignment with university leadership and the educational mission of Bonaventure. That will always remain our highest priority, second only to the health and safety of our student-athletes. We will strive to achieve comprehensive excellence.

Our goal is to provide our student-athletes with an extraordinary experience and to build a championship mindset amongst our staff, coaches and student-athletes.

We will refine and define the “Bonaventure way,” and it will be centered on kindness and excellence.

In the weeks ahead, we will share many exciting new initiatives, each with the singular goal of enhancing our student-athlete experience. We’ll continue to chase excellence and raise the standard of how we serve our student-athletes for all that we do in the process. There is boundless excitement surrounding the future of St. Bonaventure University’s Department of Athletics. And we are thrilled to spread the news of our path forward. 

Despite the ever-changing and highly uncertain landscape of collegiate athletics, our brightest days truly lie ahead of us. 

Once again, thanks for your incredible welcome back to the campus community. I am humbled and honored to be part of this amazing Bona Family! If I haven’t had the chance to meet you yet, please swing by the Reilly Center or introduce yourself at an athletic contest or community event.  So many have already done just that. And I look forward to meeting many more in a similar way. It’s what makes this place so special.

Yes, some of the faces may have changed, and a host of shiny new buildings and facilities dot the campus landscape, but the best things about Bonaventure haven’t varied at all.

That’s the best thing I’ve learned about Bona’s since I’ve returned.

Pax et Bonum!

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