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Faculty Spotlight: Director of Undergraduate Admissions

in FEATURES/Staff Spotlight by

Dean Whitcomb

Courtesy of: Dean Whitcomb


   Dean Whitcomb stepped on St. Bonaventure University’s campus for Welcome Days in August 2004 as an incoming freshman. Little did he know, 15 years later, he would be telling his Bonaventure story in front of hundreds of prospective Bonnies as the director of Undergraduate Admissions. 

   Whitcomb said he adores Bonaventure and is proud to be a Bonnie.

   Originally from Salamanca, New York, Whitcomb is one of 20 Bonaventure alumni in his family. He graduated from Bonaventure in 2008 with a bachelor’s in marketing and is working on his master’s of arts degree in marketing communication. 

   Before returning to Bonaventure in 2014, Whitcomb worked several jobs. Whitcomb worked as a regional sales representative for Sherwin-Williams, despite being colorblind.

   “It’s ironic that I was a paint sales [resentative] because I’m colorblind,” said Whitcomb. 

   After leaving Sherwin-Williams, Whitcomb became a director at the Villager Newspaper in Ellicottville, New York, drawn by his love for communications and experience with The Bona Venture.  

   However, this still wasn’t a fit according to Whitcomb. 

   “I love communication, and I have had a lot of previous exposure working for the newspaper, including The Bona Venture,” said Whitcomb. “I was a communication major, and I learned pretty quickly that that’s not really what I wanted to do for a career.” 

   Whitcomb relocated to Richmond, Virginia, to work for Evolution Marketing, where he was a third-party sales representative for Verizon. 

   After some realization, Whitcomb decided he needed to make a decision about his career that benefited his professional and mental health.Whitcomb decided to follow his heart back to Bonaventure. 

   “I went back to my roots,” said Whitcomb. 

   Whitcomb joined the admissions office in summer 2014, recently celebrating a decade in the position. 

    Even though Whitcomb said he still isn’t sure if this is his forever job,  he’s happy where he is now. 

   “I’ve come to terms with that I don’t know what I will do forever,” said Whitcomb. “I don’t know where tomorrow will take me, I don’t know what responsibilities I might have tomorrow, but I’ll take it with a full head of steam and enthusiasm, and I will always give it my best. And I want that to be at Bonaventure.”

   Whitcomb said he enjoys the opportunities his passion for his job brought him while working for the admission office, including the chance to impact incoming students.

   “I love higher education, and I love Bonaventure and the opportunity that I have here to have a positive impact on the lives of young people,” said Whitcomb. 

   Whitcomb said he feels that Bonaventure not only provides him with professional and personal goals. He said that being at Bonaventure has helped him move in a positive direction with his career. 

   “I have needed this place more than I understand twice in my life,” said Whitcomb. “I credit St. Bonaventure for saving my life. They’ve grounded me, my support system here at Bonaventure.”

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