Murphy Renovation to Transform Student Media – The Bona Venture

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Murphy Renovation to Transform Student Media

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3D Rendering of Proposed Jandoli School Renovation 

Courtesy of Aaron Chimbel 


   Renovations to The John J. Murphy Professional Building plan to bring new workspaces and strengthen student media at St. Bonaventure University. 

   The groundbreaking for this renovation will be at the Jandoli School of Communication 75th anniversary event on Oct. 19, according to Aaron Chimbel, dean of the Jandoli School of Communication. 

   “It will be a chance for us to recognize key donors and to kick off the project into the construction phase,” said Chimbel. “We’ve been doing a lot of the planning and fundraising, and now it’s time to put it into action.”  

   Phase one of this project is an addition to the front of the building, which will be a communications center. 

   This will include a newsroom for student media such as The Bona Venture,WSBU 88.3 FM The Buzz and SBU-TV. The communications center will also include a podcast studio, a radio facility and a new broadcast studio. This collaborative space will allow all student media to work together, said Chimbel. 

   “The idea is to foster collaboration,” said Chimbel. “No matter what type of media you are working with, everybody can work together.” 

   This part of the project is expected to take between one to two years. The hope is that the addition will be ready by fall of 2026, according to Chimbel. 

   The current building will undergo updates and renovations during phase two. This includes updating and modernizing facilities, and creating specific spaces for students such as conference rooms and breakout spaces. 

   “We will be creating different types of spaces for students throughout the building for people that work in different ways and need to meet and collaborate in different ways,” said Chimbel. 

   Some of these new spaces include a strategic communications suite. This suite would include classrooms designed for students working on campaigns.

   “Creating an agency or strategic communications suite will be part of it,” said Chimbel. “We’ll also have a virtual studio for video production and photography.” 

   Updating classrooms is also part of this renovation, similar to the updates in Plassmann Hall, according to Chimbel. 

   “The renovations will be similar to Plassmann where the classrooms are new, have the latest technology and flexible furniture,” said Chimbel. 

   Students believe this project is an opportunity to improve student media at Bonaventure. 

   “I am excited for new generations of journalists to experience the renovation to help further their storytelling skills and broadcast skills,” said Sydney Labayewski, a junior broadcast journalism major. “I would say it would be cool to come back as an alum and see what has happened with the news station studio.”

   These renovations will make a difference in the Jandoli school, according to Chimbel.

   “We’ve never really had a space that is designed for what we do,” said Chimbel. “That’s why this project is so exciting and will make such a difference for students.”

   Labayewski agreed with Chimbel. 

   “I believe it will [make a difference in campus media] because all of the technology needs upgrading. With new equipment, students will be able to create better content in general,” said Labayewski. 

   The cost estimate for the entire project is 12.2 million, and is mostly donor funded, according to Chimbel. 

   “We’re very thankful for all of their [the donors] generosity and being able to see the vision for this project and wanting to support students,” said Chimbel. “A big part of the Jandoli school has always been paying it forward and paying it back.”

   This project fulfilled one of the goals of the Bolder Bonaventure campaign, since most of the money was donated, according to Dr. President Jeff Gingerich. 

   “The Murphy renovation is a key component of our $125 million Bolder Bonaventure campaign with the goal of having the vast majority of the money for the project come exclusively from donors and grants,” said Gingerich. “Given the rich history of the Jandoli School, it’s critical for recruitment that we bring its facilities into the 21st century.” 

   The Murphy Professional renovations are an important step to keeping up the prestige of the Jandoli School. 

   “It is important to invest in this school, and invest in our students and future students,” said Chimbel. 


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