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Speed Bumps Make Their Return to Bonaventure

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Speed bump on campus 

David Scibilia/The Bona Venture 


   St. Bonaventure University’s Office of Safety and Security placed two sets of speed bumps outside the Reilly Center’s south entrance, marking their return to campus.

   Security added the 2.5-3-inch tall, 1-foot wide speed bumps in the fall of 2023. 

   “Since the time the speedbumps were added, there has only been one accident involving speed or backing out of a parking space unsafely [which occurred] when the speedbumps were removed for winter plowing,” said Gary Segrue, the associate dean for campus safety. “I would say they are accomplishing our safety goal.”

   Segrue said the speed bumps directly contribute to safer driving in this portion of campus.

   “Due to the strategic placement of the speedbumps, more vehicles are stopping or at least slowing in the area, hence making it safer for vehicular and pedestrian traffic,” said Segrue. “I have received positive feedback from athletic administrators, staff and coaches on our safety efforts.”

   Some students said the speed bumps made them feel safer.

   “I’d say they make me feel safer as a pedestrian,” said Aidan Kreiley, a graduate student in the sports administration program. “Cars fly through campus and I often see them go through stop signs. The speed bumps actually make them slow down.”

   Despite some students saying they travel over the speed bumps multiple times a day, Segrue said they should not worry about the possibility of damage to their cars.

   “As long as motorists operate their vehicle at a reasonable speed for roadway conditions, consistent with the New York State Vehicle and Traffic law, there should not be any concern,” said Segrue.

   Kreiley agreed.

   “I don’t go too fast when I drive over them,” he said. “I’m not worried about any damage to my car.”

   The speed bumps will be removed once snow starts to fall to allow facilities staff to plow the parking lot between the Reilly and Richter centers. 

   There are no plans to add any other speed bumps to campus, said Segrue. The current set of speed bumps will return to its respective locations each year before March 1.

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