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Elevator in Devereux Hall

Joseph DeBell/ The Bona Venture


Administration denies elevator problems despite student concerns. 

  Students reported issues with dorm elevators, but administration said there is no legitimate problem. 

   Students are required to have a doctors note to gain access to the elevators in most cases. 

    “Safety and Security will provide elevator access to students with mobility issues with a note from a physician, student success center, wellness center or athletic trainer for a duration listed,” said Gary Segrue, associate dean for Campus Safety.

   In order to operate the elevators, students have to remind their doctor that a note is needed stating stairs are not an option. There are some exceptions to this policy such as temporary access. 

   “If a student is carrying a heavy item like a refrigerator to the fourth floor of a building, we would provide temporary access,” said Segrue. This is not common knowledge amongst students, as it’s not advertised. 

   None of the interviewed students knew this. 

   Students may only access the elevators in their residential building, however, they have access to every floor according to Segrue.

   Though students have access to elevators in their own residential buildings, when visiting other complexes they have no way of utilizing the elevators, unless they call Safety and Security. 

   Some students said they have reported issues with the elevator in Devereux Hall, however administration said there has been no formal complaint.

   “I have had issues with the elevators on campus,” said sophomore, Austin Townley.

   “I am unfamiliar with any specific issues in Devereux Hall, however it is the only residence hall elevator operated with a key,” said Segrue.

    The elevators in Devereux Hall are about 40 years old, and all the elevators on campus are inspected four times a year.

   “[The elevators are checked] Quarterly by Otis Elevator Company [and] annually by Ace Elevator, LLC. Otis Elevator Company is contracted by the university,” said Segrue. 

   There are about 100 students and staff that have access to the elevators and use them daily. These students include Resident Assistants and student emergency medical response staff.

   These alleged issues with the elevators have remained consistent across campus.

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