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Grad Housing Project Delayed

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Plot of land cleared for graduate housing

David Scibilia/The Bona Venture


St. Bonaventure University delayed the graduate housing project despite the $11 million allocated for it.

   When St. Bonaventure secured $25 million to renovate Plassmann Hall in 2022, approximately 

half was spent on the project. According to President Dr. Gingerich, the other half is yet to be 

used for its intended purpose. 

   “Just over $11 million [dollars] were scheduled to be used for the construction of a new graduate housing complex,” wrote Gingerich. “But that project has been delayed for the time being to focus on more pressing [needs].” 

   These needs include Student Services and Safety and Security. 

   The office of Human Resources is now in the basement of the Administration Building, which 

led to other changes.  

   “The office of Marketing & Communications moved to offices on the second floor of the 

Administration Building,” wrote Gingerich. 

   The Reilly Center gained The Center for Student Wellbeing on the second floor. 

   “[The changes] provide a more suitable healthcare and counseling space for our students,” wrote Gingerich. 

   More space for rooms became available when Safety and Security was moved to Doyle Hall. 

   “Additional residential space was created on the first floor of Robinson Hall where the Office of 

Safety & Security was located,” wrote Gingerich. 

   Gingerich wrote that the timeframes for additional Safety and Security projects are not yet determined. Problems with power on the east side of campus last year will lead to changes. 

   “Replacing the power grid on the west side of campus in order to avoid the power challenges that we had last year,” wrote Gingerich. 

   The university declined to provide a representative for an interview about the prospective graduate housing project.

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