Blood Drive Accepting Donors  – The Bona Venture

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Blood Drive Accepting Donors 

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Photo of blood drive sign

Courtesy of: Isabel Marzullo


St. Bonaventure University had its annual collaboration with ConnectLife — a blood and organ donor network — on Nov. 8 and the American Red Cross on Nov. 15 for the seasonal blood drive. ConnectLife has been collaborating with the school since 2022 and donated 25 units compared to last year’s 15 units. 

Jordon Burkhouse, the events operations manager, said the increase may be due to the location. 

“[Last year the blood drive] was in the great room [located in the University Ministries building],” said Burkhouse. “For the Allegany and Olean community, going to the great room is difficult for parking purposes, walking and trying to find the location.” 

Along with using the great room, ConnectLife and the American Red Cross have also used the Athletics Hall of Fame, yet moved because of what Burkhouse said was an uncomfortable setup. They also used the lobby of Shay and Loughlen halls, but discovered the temperature was too hot. 

Before the event, flyers were sent to Bonaventure from ConnectLife and the American Red Cross. They were posted across campus, along with the event being posted on the Notice Board. ConnectLife has additionally made it known they’re looking for student volunteers to help check donors in and hand out snacks; however, many students say they are too busy. For that reason, Burkhouse suggested Bonaventure dedicate a club.

“It’d be nice if we had a club that could represent [ConnectLife] and seek out volunteers,” said Burkhouse. “They’re always looking for volunteers.” 

Rily Rzepka, a junior environmental studies major, was one of the students who donated blood.

“It makes me feel good knowing my blood could help someone, especially for so little effort on my end,” said Rzepka. 

However, despite being a frequent donor, Rzepka has a fear of needles and was concerned she may pass out, yet was comforted by the staff’s ability to provide her with water and keep her occupied. 

“They talked with me about school and TV shows to distract me from the needles,” said Rzepka. 

ConnectLife will return for the annual spring semester blood drive on March 12, and the American Red Cross will also be making a return, although the date is currently unknown. 

“They try to do them spread out, at least a month in between because if you give blood once, you have to give yourself a little more time to give again,” said Burkhouse. 


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