Cars Line Fire Lanes During MBB Games – The Bona Venture

St. Bonaventure's Student-Run Newspaper since 1926

Cars Line Fire Lanes During MBB Games

in NEWS by

Twenty-five cars line the fire lane next to Devereux Hall

Photo: The Bona Venture


   St. Bonaventure University’s men’s basketball games create an influx of cars on campus, which means visitor’s cars block the shoulders of about 1,200 feet of E Union Street — including obstructing a fire hydrant — the entire 380-foot length of Cornelius Welch Drive and about 500 feet of Brian Lahota Drive.

   Gary Segrue, associate dean for campus safety, said that illegally parked cars are not subject to tickets during Bonnies basketball games.

   “We do not issue tickets during basketball games to visitors,” wrote Segrue.

   If a car’s spot is a problem, Safety and Security have a plan to deal with it, said Segrue.

   “If parking is blocking traffic routes, we will either make an announcement at the game or have the vehicle towed,” wrote Segrue. “Law enforcement is in attendance and will handle any problematic issues at our request.”

   All campus roadways are considered fire lanes and no parking is permitted unless otherwise specified, according to the university’s website.

   “It is evident we have many guests parking vehicles on campus and non-campus roadways, but it is managed well,” wrote Segrue. “We have an emergency evacuation plan for basketball games.”

   The university coordinates with law enforcement to ensure the safety of students and visitors during these large events.

   “We meet with law enforcement and the Cattaraugus County Emergency Management Coordinator prior to the season beginning in regard to our parking, medical, traffic communication and evacuation plans and the officials attend each game,” said Segrue.

   Segrue also said there is additional van-accessible parking in the Richter Center lot A for those who need it.


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