Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Photo: @sbu_umin
The Equity Institute is presenting the Dr. MLK Jr. Experience Trip to Atlanta, Georgia this spring break for the second time.
Last year the trip was led by Jessica Foskolos, Equity Institute coordinator at St. Bonaventure University, along with Alice Miller Nation, director of University Ministries.
“The [MLK] experience was completely transformative for my perspective and time here at Bonaventure,” said Luka Galle, a junior in the Interdisciplinary Studies program. Last year the trip consisted of four students and two staff members.
“We will be bringing six students on the trip this year,” said Foskolos.
There is no cost to students and it is open to individuals of all backgrounds, said Foskolos.
“I’m a white woman but I also want to be in leadership roles after I graduate,” said Galle. “So I need to be as educated as possible on historical, but still very modern, issues people are facing.”
Galle participates in advocacy groups on and off campus and has shared her experience from the trip.
“I do lots of creative endeavors and advocacy work for different topics in my free time,” said Galle. “One of the recent speeches I did was at Harvard and MIT, advocating for free art programs in underrepresented communities.”
The students who attended last year met with University President Jeff Gingrich about concerns and initiatives they would like to see at St. Bonaventure University.
“Part of the Bonaventure value sets and curriculum is for us to be well-rounded individuals who have widened lenses of the world,” said Galle. “This is a perfect opportunity to embrace that mentality.”
The trip last year included visits to MLK’s Birth Home Block, Ebenezer Baptist Church, APEX Museum and the National Center for Civil and Human Rights.
“The Human and Civil Rights Museum covered topics such as censorship, child labor, religious discrimination, while giving us ways to ensure we aren’t contributing to those awful experiences for others around the world,” said Galle.
Foskolos said she had two favorite parts from last year’s trip.
“The first being I asked each student what they hoped to get out of the trip,” said Foskolos. “I kept track of each of their goals to ensure their goals were met.”
Foskolos said she made meaningful connections to teach and get to know students on a deeper level.
“Secondly, and most importantly, the connections that were built on the trip,” said Foskolos. “I was just in New York City in the fall chaperoning when I was shocked to see a student who graduated in May 2024 who attended the MLK trip. Right there on the street, we caught up like no time had passed.”
Foskolos hopes to build meaningful connections and inform students who attend this upcoming Spring.
“Anyone who is eager to learn, wants to be a leader, wants to strike change or even just wants a different [more hands-on experience] should apply,” said Galle.
Applications for the trip are due Feb. 3.