St. Bonaventure's Student-Run Newspaper since 1926


News Staff - page 79

News Staff has 1899 articles published.


Bonas begins empowerment campaign

By Hannah Gordon News Editor          St. Bonaventure University administration began the emPOWER program this week to raise awareness on sexual assault, bystander intervention and Title IX procedures.       The emPower campaign is a series of programs and events developed by a specialized team during the summer to educate students about sexual violence and how… Keep Reading


ENACTUS to host Canvas for a CURE

By Madeleine Faircloth Staff Writer        St. Bonaventure University’s ENACTUS team is to host a Canvas for a CURE event on Saturday, Oct. 5.      Students and the local community can donate $5 to paint an anonymous note or picture on a canvas from 12-4 p.m. The finished canvases will be given to children… Keep Reading


Bonaventure goes ‘Bald for Bucks’

By Madeleine Faircloth Staff Writer        The Bald for Bucks event, hosted by the St. Bonaventure University’s sophomore class raised a total of $9,850 for cancer research as of Tuesday, pleasing both class officers and students involved, according to the class president, J.W. Cook.     More than 60 people came on Saturday to get… Keep Reading


Basketball tournament honors John J. Watson

By: Darren Simons Contributing Writer       There will be a three on three basketball tournament in the Reilly Center Gymnasium, honoring the memory of John J. Watson on Nov. 2.        The proceeds of the tournament will go to the Chris Dudley Foundation supporting diabetes research. Each participant will receive a t-shirt and drinks with their entry into the… Keep Reading


Clare College instates new substitution policy

By Jason Klaiber Contributing Writer     Clare College, which oversees the core curriculum of St. Bonaventure University, has employed a new course substitution policy for students since Oct. 3.     In the past, there were two types of substitution courses—permanent and temporary. Permanent substitutions proved to be sufficient. A temporary substitution required two years of… Keep Reading


Stock Box

  By Jamie Sperrazzo Contributing Writer Finance 101: The Importance of a Diversified Portfolio One of the most important factors of investing is building a diversified portfolio.  If you put all of your money into one stock, you are taking on a higher risk.  What this means is that if you are invested in only… Keep Reading


Laugh Pack to host improv Halloween-themed show

By Zachary Newcome Staff Writer         On Oct. 30, Laugh Pack, St. Bonaventure’s comedy club, will be hosting a Halloween-themed comedy night.      The event will be held in the Rathskeller at 7 p.m. however, Chattertons, St. Bonaventure’s slam poetry club, will start the show at 6:30 p.m. There will be nine members of… Keep Reading


Quick Center to host speech

By Julia Mericle Assistant News Editor         The Executive Director of The Friends of the Allegheny Wilderness will speak on the protection proposals for Pennsylvania’s Allegheny National Forest and the federal Wilderness Act on Oct. 30 at 4 p.m. in the Beltz Gallery of the Regina A. Quick Center for the Arts.      Kirk… Keep Reading


Biology major attends training in D.C.

By Nicolette DiMura Contributing Writer      Alex Gu, a senior biology major and chief of the campus Medical Emergency Response Team (MERT), spent four days in Washington D.C. where he learned about education and how it is a given right.     Gu was accepted into the Global Campaign for Education—U.S. Chapter (GCE-US) among 23 other… Keep Reading


Professor and pupil present at forum

By Pat Tintle and Rachel Konieczny Assistant Sports Editor and Contributing Writer      Russell J. Jandoli School of Journalism and Mass Communication professor Richard Lee and junior accounting major Kevin Veeley spoke at the 2014 New York State Communication Association (NYSCA) conference.      Lee, who is currently teaching the honors course “Decision 2014: An Exploration… Keep Reading


Bona alumn presents at NYSCA

By Pat Tintle Assistant Sports Editor       Presenting as a plenary speaker at the 2014 New York State Communication Association (NYSCA) conference, Dr. John Robert Greene argued that social media, namely Twitter, has destroyed the coverage of contemporary politics in the United States.     A St. Bonaventure graduate and a history professor at Cazenovia… Keep Reading


Students evacuate Devereux Hall, situation not threatening

By: Hannah Gordon News Editor On Sunday night, Devereux Hall was evacuated despite the incident being a regular occurrence. “A relief valve acted normally to relieve excess pressure,” Phil Winger, associate vice president for facilities, said. “The steam was released from a pipe in the courtyard area.”  Social media flooded with speculation from students about a… Keep Reading


Technology Services appoints Interim Enterprise and Web Service Manager

By: Zachary Newcome Contributing Writer On Sept. 30, Technology Services promoted Tim Geiger to Interim Enterprise and Web Service Manager, replacing Denise Kirschner. Geiger said he has been working as the web and network administrator and has worked in Technology Services for almost five years. According to Geiger, his new position provides a working leadership… Keep Reading


Sophomore class hosts Bald for Bucks event

By: Madeleine Faircloth Staff Writer St. Bonaventure University’s sophomore class is hosting a Bald for Bucks event to raise money and awareness for cancer research and patient care at Roswell Park Cancer Institute, according to J.W. Cook, the sophomore class president. On the SBU Team’s Bald for Bucks personal page, 58 members were registered to… Keep Reading


Bonaventure alum speaks on research

By: Joan Seaman Contributing Writer St. Bonaventure University’s chemistry department welcomed back alum Dr. John Kreuz ’55 on Oct. 2nd to present some of his research to students. Kreuz brought two research projects to campus with him: Aqueous Alkaline Treatment of Disulfides to Yield Thioethers and Imide/Polyimide Chemistry Studies.  Kreuz gave a presentation to students… Keep Reading


Report reveals increase in campus sexual assault

By Hannah Gordon News Editor St. Bonaventure University’s Safety and Security released the Annual Security and Fire Safety Report on Sept. 25, revealing an increase in on-campus sexual assault. According to the report, there was one forcible sexual offense on campus in 2012 and four in 2013. There was one case of dating violence and… Keep Reading


Lenna professor speaks on media and the Cold War

By Joan Seaman Contributing Writer Greg Mitchell ‘70 returned to his alma matter for the first time in 30 years this past week as the Lenna Visiting Professor. Richard Lee, assistant journalism professor who hosted Mitchell, introduced him. The group of students and faculty in Murphy Auditorium were the first to learn Mitchell’s thirteenth novel… Keep Reading


NSF awards grant to the Arts and Sciences Department

By Hannah Gordon News Editor The National Science Foundation (NSF) awarded St. Bonaventure University’s Arts and Sciences Department $600,000 to fund scholarships for new recruits and to improve the department. The five-year grant will be used to recruit 25 new students in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) field, according to Peter Schneible, O.F.M.… Keep Reading


SGA approves Kibbe for chief justice of the judicial branch

By Julia Mericle Assistant News Editor The Student Government Association meeting on Sept. 24 held a vote for Chief Justice of the judicial branch, unanimously electing Steven Kibbe, senior political science major, to the position. “I put a lot of trust in Steven to do what he thinks is best at interpreting what we wrote… Keep Reading


Time Warner interviews Zabad on U.S. airstrikes

By Jason Klaiber Contributing Writer Ibrahim Zabad, a political science professor at St. Bonaventure University, was recently interviewed by Time Warner Cable News about the U.S. airstrikes in Syria. The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS), has expanded considerably since breaking ties with Al Qaeda earlier this year. This terrorist group now supports upwards… Keep Reading

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