The Bona Venture – Page 71 – St. Bonaventure's Student-Run Newspaper since 1926

St. Bonaventure's Student-Run Newspaper since 1926




Annual Francis Week to begin

This week at St. Bonaventure University is Francis Week, full of events and gatherings to commemorate St. Francis of Assisi. “Francis Week is a time for us to celebrate the person, the charism and the spirit of St. Francis of Assisi at St. Bonaventure University,” said Fr. Francis Di Spigno, O.F.M., executive director of University… Keep Reading


Family Weekend: a boom or bust?

The annual Family Weekend activities took place this past weekend as students had their families join them for some fun on campus. Overall, the weekend was deemed a success, but there were some concerns raised about the Family Weekend Festival. This year, the festival was on the outdoor basketball courts between the Sandra A. and… Keep Reading


New Disney content just doesn’t compare

Older shows and movies’ plots, characters better than today Growing up, my favorite thing in the world was Disney. I watched it religiously, staying up until 3 a.m. on weeknights just to see reruns of The Replacements and Kim Possible. I was the girl who bashed Nickelodeon, claiming that shows like Spongebob Squarepants and Danny… Keep Reading


Don’t forget about Special Ed teachers

Special education is the use of specialized programs to aid a student in the classroom who has specific educational, emotional and social need. These teachers are the jack-of-all-trades. As best said by special education teacher Emma Pullano, “We tackle their academic needs, teach social skills and coping with stress and anxiety.” When people think of… Keep Reading


Female discernment is just as important

Last week, my dear friend Kaylee wrote a thoughtful piece about why women should be—at the very least—“allowed” to become deacons. That piece was still fresh in my mind at the listening session I attended Monday night, when it was suggested that if women were “allowed” to be priests, the church would not be dealing… Keep Reading


Campus’ greatest need: a sidewalk

Students must walk through street or grass to reach Doyle Hall Heading into senior year, I’ve come to love nearly everything about St. Bonaventure University. Hickey bumming, making the long walk to Francis for dinner and the morning fog that means it’s going to be a beautiful day are all things that make Bona’s special.… Keep Reading

Extra Point/SPORTS

The State of the New York Yankees

The New York Yankees, barring some sort of extinction-level disaster, are heading back to the postseason. Aaron Boone, in his first year as a manager, has guided the Bronx bombers to a 90+ win season. The team is uber talented, including, in theory, one of the most dangerous bullpens and two of the better rookies… Keep Reading


New swim coach finally announced

Skip Nitardy joins the newly unified SBU swim teams Skip Nitardy has been named the new head coach of the St. Bonaventure University men’s and women’s swimming teams. Bonaventure will become the seventh Atlantic 10 program to combine its swim coaching staff. This decision also led to combined practices for the men and women. “It’s… Keep Reading


Former Bona’s friar performed exorcisms

The paranormal has always been a subject of debate, over whether or not it is acceptable and/or provable. However, some have experienced things beyond our understanding and thus believe it wholeheartedly. Fr. Alphonsus Trabold, O.F.M of St. Bonaventure was one such believer. Trabold has become a legend of sorts at St. Bonaventure, as well as… Keep Reading


Animal prints come back into style

Animal print is slowly making a comeback. Around last fall, it started to make an appearance on the runways. We saw the trend mostly in snakeskin boots, booties and sneakers. Designers like Tom Ford, Carolina Herrera and Marc Jacobs came out with many animal print pieces in their fall lines. But the best part is,… Keep Reading


Volunteers to help storm-affected areas

Hurricane Florence was bad. You are good. Good people make the world better. Here is a chance to help people recover and get back in their homes. It really is that simple. When disaster strikes, people get hurt. Some lose loved ones, homes and jobs. It hurts to think about it, and it is sad… Keep Reading


Unsung Hero: Bobbi Moore from Francis

Francis Hall is situated between Garden Apartments and townhouses, a quick walk from main campus. Inside is the Francis Cafe, one of the many on-campus alternatives to the Hickey Dining Hall. The building is old, but the café has charm. That’s not solely because of its age, though. A woman stood behind the counter, her… Keep Reading


Illusionist to come during family weekend

Illusionist Kid Ace will perform as part of the family weekend celebration, according to Campus Activities Board president, Jason Caldwell. David Boyd, better known as Kid Ace, will perform in the Quick Center for the Arts at 8 p.m. Saturday. Doors will open at 7:30 p.m. for his hour-long show. “We wanted to host this… Keep Reading


Club Corner: SafeTEEN Coalition

Bonaventure club reaches out to schools to show local support With all the clubs on campus, some are lost in the mix. One club on campus that is not as well known, but has an important message to spread, is SafeTEEN Coalition. This club helps school children in the area, spanning multiple districts and buildings,… Keep Reading


Bonagany festival moves to Richter

St. Bonaventure’s annual Family Weekend Festival begins this weekend on Sept. 21 at 11 a.m. on the outside basketball courts of the Sandra A. & William L. Richter Center. The festival is time where homesick students can see their families again. Rob DeFazio, the director for the Center for Activities, Recreation and Leadership, and Robbie… Keep Reading


University rescinds Cardinal’s honorary degree

Board of Trustees unanimously voted at board meeting Robert Daugherty, chair of St. Bonaventure’s Board of Trustees, received a phone call on July 30 informing him that the university had given an honorary degree to Cardinal Theodore McCarrick. Pope Francis had accepted McCarrick’s resignation from the College of Cardinals two days earlier, ordering him to… Keep Reading


Polar Spray comes back to Bona’s

Family weekend will be off to a cool start Friday afternoon thanks to the Physical Activities Club. The Polar Spray, an event run by PAC, helps raise money for the Special Olympics of New York. Dr. Paula Scraba, O.S.F., an associate professor of education, is the advisor of PAC and has been running the Polar… Keep Reading


The Church crisis of sex abuse continues

Session held on campus to discuss issue This past Monday, University Ministries hosted a special listening session regarding the sex abuse crisis in the Catholic Church. Set up by University President Dr. Dennis DePerro, Student Affairs, the friars and University Ministries, the session was prompted by the Pennsylvania grand jury report and the credible allegations… Keep Reading


Another bias incident takes place on campus

Student’s controversial Snapchat video causes outrage Katie O’Brien, the vice president of Student Affairs at St. Bonaventure University, sent an email on Sept. 11 to the school notifying them of a bias incident involving a “hurtful video.” The hurtful video in question was posted to Snapchat on Sept. 8 by a Bonaventure student. The video… Keep Reading


Grant to combat sexual assault awarded to Bona’s

The student body was notified on Sept. 12 of a $300,000 grant recently awarded to St. Bonaventure for the purpose of improving sexual assault resources on campus. Nichole Gonzalez, the executive director for Residential Living and Conduct on campus, played an instrumental role in the application for the grant and the planning for the utilization… Keep Reading

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