advice – The Bona Venture

St. Bonaventure's Student-Run Newspaper since 1926

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Some advice from a graduating senior


photo courtesy of Bianca Billoni BY BIANCA BILLONI, STAFF WRITER This is my last semester at St. Bonaventure University. With about two months left in the semester, I have a lot of thoughts swirling around in my head. But I think the best way to deal with them right now is to give some advice…

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Do you look to your parents for advice?


BY FRANKIE VANSICKLE, STAFF WRITER As we get older and closer to being more alone, do you still get advice from your parents, or do you get it from your friends? As I get older, I want more and more independence for things that I feel like I would not need advice from my parents.…

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Self-care appears in various shapes and forms

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By A Bonnie, Advice Columnist Self-care is a term that has been thrown around frequently in today’s society, especially during times of mask wearing and social distancing. People are always quick to say how important self-care is but not what it means or how it works. Luckily, I have some tips for practicing self-care and…

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A student’s guide to improving grades

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By A Bonnie, Advice Columnist Midterm grades are a great way to scope out where you sit academically in your classes. Although your grade can improve or decline as the semester goes on, midterm grades give a starting point on what you can do to make an unsatisfactory grade better. St. Bonaventure University gives a…

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How to not make excuses

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By a Bonnie As much as we all hate to admit it, we all make excuses for ourselves every now and again. We make excuses when we do not feel like doing something, when we feel like we cannot step out of our comfort zone or when trying something new is just not what we…

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Dealing with job stress during a pandemic

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By A Bonnie, an advice columnist The COVID-19 pandemic has given all of us so much stress and working a regular 9 to 5 job or internship during this crisis does not help our already dwindling mental health. Thankfully, whether you are working in an office or have been zooming into meetings since mid-March, here…

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How to prepare for midterms

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By a Bonnie, Advice Columnest As midterm week quickly approaches, college students are beginning to prepare – and stress – for their exams. Many students, in fact, do not know how to study for their midterms, so here are a few study tips to hopefully boost your grades. A good first tip would be to…

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How to register for spring 2020 classes

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As the spring semester approaches, many first-year students are confused as to how to begin the registration process. Planning a schedule seems daunting but can easily be broken down into a few steps: Find out what you need to take, talk with your advisor and register. My.sbu.edu is the portal to everything needed for scheduling.…

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How to deal with sickness in college

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Winter is coming, and with it, the flu. In a populated, close-knit college, sickness is inevitable. But, that doesn’t mean you have to be quarantined. There are ways to prevent catching illness and even more ways to cope with it until you’re healthy again. The number one way to prevent catching the flu is to…

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How to survive the mid-semester blues

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There seems to be a point in the semester where students transform into zombies, relentlessly seeking caffeine and a decent GPA. Close enough to midterms for stress, far enough from break to give up. It’s purgatory. However, despite the gray skies and lack of sleep, there are ways to get through the trying times we’re…

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For the freshmen that deal with homesickness

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One of the many challenges freshmen face is adjusting to the new lifestyle. Some students came here from hours away. A new area, a tight living space and a lot of neighbors so close can be a difficult thing to deal with. Here are some tips to easily adjust to campus life. “Just don’t forget…

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Basic travel essentials for break


By Simone Robinson Staff Writer Get prepared as you travel this holiday season with a basic travel essentials list, which incorporates everyday items to keep you comfortable. Fuzzy Socks Bring a pair of fuzzy socks while traveling to prevent any moments of discomfort or constriction you may feel as a result of wearing bulky fall…

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Halloween weekend safety preparations

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By Jessica Dillon Contributing Writer As Halloween weekend begins, the campus community is prepared to ensure student safety. Diana Calhoun, a security officer who has worked for the university since 1976, said that in her experience Halloween weekend has always been a safe affair. “The only things I really see are kids dressing up—and I’ve…

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STEM speakers visit via webcam

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By Alexis Young Staff Writer Last Thursday Xiao-Ning Zhang , Ph.D., a biology professor, hosted a video conference of two science, technology, engineering and mathematics, or STEM, career talks for students at St. Bonaventure. Zhang has a passion for helping STEM students. After speaking with friends and colleagues, she was directed to Mark Mueller and…

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A YouTube channel start up how-to


By Simone Robinson Staff Writer YouTube is a place where you can express yourself and share your ideas with others. It is also an unlimited space where you can explore and share your knowledge through videos that may one day inspire others. Joining YouTube is quite easy, but starting a fashion channel may be a…

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Dear BV,…


“I’m in a long-distance relationship and find myself thinking about it way too often. What are ways to keep myself from doing that?” ________ Long-distance relationships can certainly be difficult to manage, especially during the college years. Don’t let your emotions get the best of you. Participating in an extracurricular activity will not only keep…

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Dear BV,…


Dear BV, “Sometimes I get to that homemade footpath outside the Quick and can’t decide whether getting my shoes dirty is worth the slightly quicker arrival time to Dev. What should I do about that?” ____________ What a philosophical conundrum! We certainly didn’t get the answer to this question at Orientation! But, no worries, we’ll…

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Students praise parental pearls of wisdom


Heather Monahan Features Editor     Students will help to expand the Bona Bubble the next few days as parents and siblings visit campus and celebrate Family Weekend. While we get to share with our parents where we live, learn and grow, some students reflected on how our parents helped us get to this point.…

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Curbing your homesickness


By Kailyn Jennings Contributing Writer    After four weeks of classes, the honeymoon phase has worn off for many freshmen. This is the time when homesickness sets in and freshmen are nostalgic for their friends at home. Here at Bonaventure, many people, including upperclassmen, are willing to help freshmen get used to this culture shock…

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Bonnies blog about life


By Alexandra Napoli Staff Writer “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you,” Maya Angelou once said. Telling stories and sharing ideas are things everybody does. Publishing ideas is no small feat, but St. Bonaventure students have found a way to post their stories and ideas with a click of a…

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