Andrew Kruszka – The Bona Venture

St. Bonaventure's Student-Run Newspaper since 1926

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Andrew Kruszka

Thank you, St. Bonaventure University


BY ANDREW KRUSZKA, STAFF WRITER Well, St. Bonaventure. As I started thinking about what the 32nd article I’ve written for the Bona Venture would be about, my editor had informed me that this very well could be the last article I write for this school. Although I began to get a little choked up by…

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Students should appreciate professors more


BY ANDREW KRUSZKA, STAFF WRITER Hello everyone, welcome back to this week’s rendition of my article. This week let’s focus on something near and dear to the St. Bonaventure community. Well, it is near and dear if you support the one aspect of college that every institution is supposed to provide in however many years…

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Taxpayers shouldn’t pay for Bills stadium


BY ANDREW KRUSZKA, STAFF WRITER Let me start off by saying that I am a huge Buffalo Bills fan. I can not count on my fingers and toes the number of times that I’ve cried and screamed because of my love for this team, and I’m only in the early stages of my career being…

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Different games are a fun type of learning


BY ANDREW KRUSZKA, STAFF WRITER Have you ever played a board game? How about a card game? Let’s see, have you ever played any game? When I ask this question, I mean any game at all? This could be a video game, board game, card game, sports game, or really anything you can think of.…

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ESPN should play college sports more


BY ANDREW KRUSZKA, STAFF WRITER Hello! ESPN! Wake up! You’re missing out on a very good opportunity right now! We understand as viewers it’s March, and we all know what that means in the sports world. March Madness! If you’re looking for an article on that, though, you’re probably not in the right spot. I…

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Studying can help students who are stressed


BY ANDREW KRUSZKA, STAFF WRITER Here’s an actual stat for you, and no, it’s not “fake news.” I’m not quite sure if that phrase is being used anymore, but it will forever live in our heads, rent-free, of course. On average, you will perform one-third of a letter grade better on an exam if you…

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Curling is an enjoyable winter sport


BY ANDREW KRUSZKA, STAFF WRITER I always find myself wondering what to write in my articles every week. There are some weeks where I truly ponder for a long time on what to write about, but other times an idea pops right into my head. After doing this, I realized that this is the opinion…

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Losing doesn’t mean you always lose out

Buffalo Bills game

BY ANDREW KRUSZKA, STAFF WRITER Excuse me, wake up Buffalo. Your dream is over. You have to wake up every Monday morning now for the next seven months and hear the phrase “13 seconds.” For my readers that don’t know what that phrase entails in Buffalo, just ask your fellow neighbor that jumped through a…

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Learning is more than a search on Google


BY ANDREW KRUSZKA, STAFF WRITER Here’s a quick question for you. Should we learn? What exactly is the benefit of learning, and what exactly are we trying to learn? As a future educator, I get the question all of the time of why do students have to learn, do work and pass these classes that…

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Eating proper is still valued by some people

Woman eating food

BY ANDREW KRUSZKA, STAFF WRITER Let me set the stage for you. You’re on a date with a person that you have never met before, and you are going to an extremely fancy Italian restaurant. You are really hitting it off with this person. You’re attracted to them, and they also have an amazing personality.…

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Being the age of 21 is not so special


BY ANDREW KRUSZKA, STAFF WRITER Everyone looks forward to those birthdays, right? You have to know what they are! The birthdays that most Americans get all excited and hyped for are, without a doubt, your 10th, 13th, 16th, 18th, 21st and then any time when you turn an age with a zero in it. Let…

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Teachers should dress for their comfort

woman in purple dress teaching elementary class

BY ANDREW KRUSZKA, STAFF WRITER Hey, you. Yes, you. What are those shoes you’re wearing that have holes in them with the cool design or with the comforter in them? I’m betting you guessed it. They would be crocs. What’s a croc? Well, we know by just normal human knowledge that croc is short for…

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You’re not alone when you miss home

in OPINION/Uncategorized by

By Andrew Kruszka, Staff Writer Leaving the town I grew up in, the one I spent 17-and-a-half years in, was a tough pill to swallow. Although I was excited to be furthering my education at St. Bonaventure University, I missed home all the time. I was able to make friends, do well in classes, join…

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Even if they are not wanted, glasses can be helpful

in OPINION/Uncategorized by

by Andrew Kruszka, Staff Writer I applaud the people that have worn glasses their whole life. These people definitely have a lot of mental toughness because, after just a few days of having to wear them, I’ve gotten so irritated. I’ve been told that I’ll get used to them. As of right now, I’m here…

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