art – The Bona Venture

St. Bonaventure's Student-Run Newspaper since 1926

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Art Center partners with local schools


The beginnings of the middle school showcase David Scibilia/The Bona Venture BY: DAVID SCIBILIA, FEATURES EDITOR Known for its galleries — one of which houses a painting by a student of Rembrandt — the Regina A. Quick Center for the Arts at St. Bonaventure University contains many works of art. But some of the most…

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People are not defined by their tattoos

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By Frankie VanSickle, Staff Writer Tattoos are one of my favorite things in the world. Personally, I have one and plan on getting many more. They are a way to express things that you are into or things that you find cool. A lot of people also get them to commemorate either dead loved ones…

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A case for anime: an underrated art form

in OPINION/Uncategorized by

Since comic books were created, they have always seemed to have the stigma that they exist for children, and adults that enjoy them are nerds. But as comic book heroes have made their way to the silver screen and have begun generating millions of dollars at the box office. The success of these movies is…

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Aida Muluneh’s photographs inspire viewers


I felt a serene solitude viewing photographer Aida Muluneh’s pieces this past weekend, as I unexpectedly stumbled upon her vibrant portraits in the “Being: New Photography 2018” exhibit of the Museum of Modern Art. Now, Muluneh serves as my admitted creative muse. She elevates the craft, creating her own path – unaffected by modern thought.…

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Artists donates sculptures to SBU


      At 88 years old, Liz Whitney Quisgard continues to dedicate “a lifetime of effort” to creating art. Residing in New York City, she believes moving to NYC is essential to even have a chance at becoming a world-famous artist because it’s the center of western art.       Knowing her career…

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Rediscovering the lost art of drinking


Six wineries, two distilleries and one cidery later, I drove the long country road back to St. Bonaventure with tannins on my breath and the calm of the Finger Lakes on my mind. “I cannot rest from travel,” I thought to myself, reciting the words of Alfred Lord Tennyson’s famous poem Ulysses. “I will drink…

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Professors return from Kuwait

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A world traveler, Leigh Simone, Ph.D., wasn’t afraid to play “plus one” on her husband’s recent, week-long trip to Kuwait — a Middle Eastern desert country, south of Iraq. Prior, Leigh Simone, a professor of Spanish, had visited countless scapes across the continents — from Germany’s lush planes to Spain’s pristine waters — but she’d…

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Writing: The crossroad of art and life


Writing: It’s the intersection of art and life. A lot of what we know to be true about this crazy, confusing gift of life stems from writing, arguably the most important art form we know. Throughout our lives, we’re constantly learning—whether intended or not. In reality, that mental growth often stems from either verbal or…

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Objects can tell stories too


For Mary Pat Wager, every object poses a new artistic opportunity, and her “Salvaged/ Recollections” exhibition in the Regina A. Quick Center for the Arts is proof of that. Open for the public’s viewing until June 5, Wager’s work will be highlighted in both the Front Gallery and the Paul and Toni Branch Gallery. Her…

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Putting their hearts in art


By Caitlyn Morral Staff Writer   A senior art exhibit took place on April 24 in the San Damietta Room of Francis Hall. The show featured paintings, jewelry and sculptures created by seniors Meghan Ferrucci and Marc Peralta, who are both visual arts majors. The exhibit showcased a range of designs and concepts, including three-dimensional…

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Enticing exhibit opens


By Lauren Zazzara Assistant Features Editor Officials at The Regina A. Quick Center for the Arts have succeeded in providing fresh inspiration for students and the general public by installing three new exhibits for the spring semester. The exhibits include “Turning Left at the Intersection: Current Works” by David Haack, O.F.M, “Riparazioni: Meditations on the…

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It’s a bright future


By Emma Zaremba Features Editor It may be impossible to predict the future, but it’s entirely possible to draw out a plan that leads you there. Around this time of year, college seniors are either planning what needs to be done before moving on to their next big adventure or planning out what steps to…

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Freshman looks to bring laughs to campus with comedy club

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By Emma Zaremba Features Editor     Too often, performance spaces around campus such as the Skeller, the Regina A. Quick Center for the Arts and the Garrett Theater are filled with nothing but silence. One Bonaventure student discovered what was missing and found a way to cure the quiet with laughter.    Freshman journalism and…

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Enchanted Mountains are alive with sounds of saving the music


By Mary Best Editor-In-Chief This fall, Cattaraugus County will be abuzz with music. Paige Winston, music director for WSBU-FM 88.3 The Buzz, is spearheading a Bona-style “Save the Music” campaign, hoping to unite Bonaventure students and their artistic talents with Olean and Allegany residents. Winston, a junior journalism and mass communication major, said while the…

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Snaps for poetry slam


By Mary Best Editor-in-Chief Enthusiastic snaps, laughs and rip-roaring applause filled the Rathskeller Wednesday night as St. Bonaventure’s best poets took the stage in the SBU Spring Slam sponsored by the Slam Poetry Club. The biannual slam featured 11 poets — seasoned veterans and fresh-faced slam newbies alike, all performing their pieces in their own…

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Cutschall to share Native culture


Jackie Roberts Staff writer   Aristotle once said, “The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance.” Artists like Colleen Cutschall (Sister Wolf) proves these words to be true, though thousands of years have passed since they were spoken. Cutschall, a Native American, will be speaking at…

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Senior showcases talent


By Tate M. Slaven Staff Writer   There comes a point in a student’s journey at Bonaventure when he or she must plan for the day they have to leave the home they’ve created for themselves here, only to begin anew somewhere else.  A student must compile all the knowledge and experience gained and package…

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Slam awakens inspiration


By Kiara Catanzaro Staff Writer Cheesy rhymes and dull performances might come to mind when a person thinks of a poetry reading. However, slam poetry is different. The excitement that awakens the crowd is contagious, especially for a slam-poet novice. The poet can swear, scream, stomp or sing at any point to communicate his or…

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Quick Center features four new exhibitions this season


By Matthew Laurrie Features Editor Artistic expression can take on a variety of imaginative forms. The Regina A. Quick Center for the Arts (QCA) has recently welcomed four new displays to its galleries this semester. Each exhibition highlights different elements of artistic style and provides the QCA with a diverse array of showcases. One of…

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New club brings culture to campus through art


By Matthew Laurrie Features Assignment Editor The Graffiti that colorfully decorates the outside of buildings and monuments throughout any given city may seem like random acts of vandalism to some people, but a new group on campus sees art as any form of creative expression. Sophomore Marc Peralta, president and founder of the Urban Art…

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