St. Bonaventure's Student-Run Newspaper since 1926

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Considering what it means to be asexual


By Mark Ventrice and Kaden Kreitzburg Contributing Writers I’m an asexual person. According to What is Asexuality, an online resource for the asexual spectrum, asexuality is (“ace”, for short) simply someone who does not experience sexual attraction. Aces can be any sex, gender, age, ethnic background or body type; they can be rich or poor,…

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Spectrum does not exclude asexuals


By Hannah Gordon News Editor This week, Oct. 27 to Oct.31, was St. Bonaventure’s Ally Week, an educational week Spectrum, St. Bonaventure’s LGBTQA+ Alliance, runs to encourage students to make the campus a safe zone for people that identify as a sexual orientation other than straight. This week happens to also be National Asexual Week.…

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