campus activities board – The Bona Venture

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campus activities board

CAB introduces new events for spring semester

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Group picture from CAB Cedar Point trip Courtesy of: sbucab Instagram page BY: JULIA BABCOCK, STAFF WRITER Jalen Morales, a sophomore fine arts major, enjoys spending time with his friends at St. Bonaventure. One of the ways Morales likes to spend time with his friends is to attend events hosted by the Campus Activity Board. …

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Campus Activities Board now hosts two events a week

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CAB promotional materials for the Cedar Point trip Photo Courtesy of @sbucab on Instagram BY: DAVID SCIBILIA, NEWS EDITOR The Campus Activities Board at St. Bonaventure University is increasing the number of events it hosts, hoping to get more Bonaventure students in attendance. The Campus Activities Board (CAB) plans events for students, such as bingo,…

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CAB Heads to Hershey, PA

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CAB’s list of events happening in March, April and May of the 2023 spring semester. Photo courtesy of SBU CAB, via Instagram BY: MORGAN KILGER, STAFF WRITER St. Bonaventure University’s Campus Activities Board is heading to Hershey, Pennsylvania this week to attend a convention hosted by the Association for Promotion of Campus Activities intended to…

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Clubs in RC basement to relocate

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By Meghan Hall News Assignment Editor Several clubs will be moved out of their offices in the basement of the Reilly Center in the coming semesters. Though the changes will not be immediate, the university is repurposing the basement of the RC for increased athletic space. This comes as part of a master plan created…

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CAB offers trip to NYC


Due to student interest, the Campus Activities Board chose to offer two bus trips to New York City this semester, giving those who didn’t attend the first another opportunity to explore the city. The first New York City trip this semester, which took place on Sept. 30, sold out within four days. For this reason,…

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New club budgets exceed expectations

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By Lian Bunny Photo Editor After St. Bonaventure clubs prepared for another budget decrease for the 2015-2016 academic year, a university gift of $42,000 allowed the Student Government Association (SGA) to raise people’s expectations and club allocations. SGA President Rose Brown said the group was told the funds were a “university gift.”  The university did…

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Bonnies tackle Super Bowl


By Azarias Perez Contributing Writer   The St. Bonaventure community is preparing to celebrate Super Bowl XLIX, with the Seattle Seahawks taking on the New England Patriots. This will be the Seahawks’ second Super Bowl appearance, while the Patriots return for their eighth Super Bowl game. Although most of the St. Bonaventure community is ready…

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Donor helps clubs

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By Lian Bunny News Editor After low funding for St. Bonaventure clubs in the fall of 2014, the university’s board of trustees donated $50,000 to the Student Government Association (SGA) to distribute to campus clubs and organizations. The board of trustees funds were donated by an anonymous alumnus. Tom Missel, director of marketing and media…

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LASO brings laughter


By Mary Best Advisory Editor    The St. Bonaventure Latin American Student Organization (LASO) partnered with the Campus Activities Board (CAB) to bring comedian Sara Contreras to campus last weekend. Her performance kicked off Hispanic Heritage month, which runs through Tuesday, Oct. 15. Josh Maxey, a senior political science major and president of CAB, said…

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Have bus…will travel


By Betsy Pray Staff Writer If you’re looking for a cheap weekend getaway – whether it be to a big city, another country or a football game – St. Bonaventure’s Campus Activities Board (CAB) has the answer. CAB has planned three bus trips for fall 2013: to New York City on Sept. 21, Clifton Hill…

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Spring concert cut due to lack of funds


By Heather Monahan Features Assignment Editor Students aren’t always the only ones who get to rock the Reilly Center at St. Bonaventure. In the past, the Campus Activities Board (CAB) has brought artists such as Bruce Springsteen, the Goo Goo Dolls and Sean Kingston to campus for a Spring Concert. However, due to lower enrollment…

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Bonaventure’s unsung heroes: A BV series


Steve Kuchera By Elizabeth Grady Promotions Editor Most students at St. Bonaventure have stopped into the Office of Campus and Recreational Leadership (C.A.R.L.) at least once to buy movie tickets or sign up for a bus trip. But some students might not know the soft-spoken man in the corner office. His name is Steve Kuchera,…

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