Canticle Farms – The Bona Venture

St. Bonaventure's Student-Run Newspaper since 1926

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Canticle Farms

Farm to Table program seeks to serve local meals

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By Alexis Young Staff Writer Want to ‘turnip the beet’ with a summer filled with community service and personal growth? Farm to Table happens to be serving quite the dish. “When students are taking finals, there is still a need in our community, when students are on break there’s still a need in the community,”…

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What is the Warming House?

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By Vanessa Hulse Staff Writer The Warming House is a well-known facility in Olean, NY that provides food for any member in the community that would like to join. The Warming House provides a meal every day at dinner time throughout the entire year; this means it serves 300 days out of every year. On…

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