concussions – The Bona Venture

St. Bonaventure's Student-Run Newspaper since 1926

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‘Baseline’ concussion testing takes effect for St. Bonaventure club sports

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By Taylor Nigrelli Sports Editor  The St. Bonaventure Club Sports Program is in the midst of instituting baseline concussion testing for some of its club sports. The implementation process began in the fall of 2013 and, according to director of intramural and club sports, Rob DeFazio, all members of collision club sports teams will be…

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Concussions end another Bona career

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By Taylor Nigrelli Sports Editor  For the second time this school year, a men’s rugby player has withdrawn from St. Bonaventure due to complications stemming from concussions suffered while playing the sport. Just a few months after senior Ryan Brennan was forced to leave school, junior Evan Meister followed suit after being diagnosed with cognitive…

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Concussions derail SBU student’s career

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By Taylor Nigrelli Sports Editor Ryan Brennan once patrolled the rugby pitch with enthusiasm and tenacity. He gave all-out efforts in practices and prepared as if he were playing a game. According to his teammates, he was a joy to be around. He made sure the mood of the team stayed up beat by entertaining…

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SBU cracks down on concussions

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By Taylor Nigrelli Sports Editor I see it on social media every Sunday during football games: fellow football fans complaining about penalties for hits to the head and showing a general lack of concern for player safety. This is not very different from how many professional and college athletic organizations treated the issue for many years.…

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