Damietta Center – The Bona Venture

St. Bonaventure's Student-Run Newspaper since 1926

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Damietta Center

Club Corner: Latin American Student Organization

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St. Bonaventure’s Latin American Student Organization, otherwise known as LASO, is part of the Damietta Center, an organization working on issues regarding diversity and inclusion at the university. LASO exists in order to preserve and nourish the culture of Latin American students, which is why it is an integral part of St. Bonaventure’s ambition to…

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Diversity courses to be made mandatory

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By Julia Mericle Editor-in-Chief Anne-Claire Fisher, an associate professor of education, said the two new courses added to the general education curriculum starting in the fall of 2017 are long overdue. SBU 102: Introduction to Diversity will be worth one credit. Students will also be required to choose another three-credit course centered around diversity out…

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University honors Black History Month

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St. Bonaventure University’s Damietta Center of Multicultural Student Affairs began its celebration of Black History Month with the kickoff of its series “And Still WE Rise: Expressions of Black Heritage & Identity,” on Wednesday. This year’s theme originated from the relevance of diversity in today’s world in regard to current events, said Parker Suddeth, coordinator…

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Bona Responds helps keep cancer patients warm

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 By Jason Klaiber Staff Writer As the harsh winter months continue, BonaResponds is making it its mission to bring warmth to others. On Saturday, Jan. 31, the volunteer organization will host Blanket Making Day at the Damietta Center in Francis Hall. The event has been organized for the past three years by Warm Snuggly Blanket,…

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Keep the freedom ringing


By Amelia Kibbe Features Assignment Editor   “I have a dream.” These famous words of Martin Luther King Jr. still have a special meaning today. This past Monday, on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, the St. Bonaventure community gathered to remember one of America’s most-recognized men and celebrate the peace and sense of unity he…

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No freedom ‘til we’re equal


By Daniel Leopold Contributing Writer   On Sunday, Sept. 22, two vans filled with St. Bonaventure students left campus to take part in the “Dash for Diversity,” a run sponsored by the National Federation for Just Communities (NFJC) in Buffalo. The event was supported by the Damietta Center which is dedicated to combating biases and…

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