dorms – The Bona Venture

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Bonaventure residence halls at 98% capacity

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Doyle Hall David Scibilia/The Bona Venture BY: DAVID SCIBILIA, NEWS EDITOR St. Bonaventure University’s residence halls are at 98% capacity. There are currently no plans to build more undergraduate housing, but the university is in the process of building graduate housing, said Ursula Herz, Bonaventure’s director of Residence Life. “It’s a general rule for any…

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JCC students absent from Bona dorms

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The second floor of Doyle Hall remains empty this year despite Bonaventure’s plans to turn it into student housing for Jamestown Community College (JCC) commuters. The vacant hall is not due to lack of interest, according to Kirk Young, vice president of enrollment at JCC. “There was actually a lot of interest in the new…

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Housing: happy or hate it?


As students have begun to settle into their new living situations, some said they have begun to weigh the pros and cons of their new homes. Some students said they have noticed an improvement in their living space, while others said they have found some difficulties. “One word that I can use to describe my…

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Students need varied housing choices


Even numbers not always the best option for dorm life Many things come in even numbers.  Noah packed his ark with animals paired by twos.  Cars have four wheels.  Eggs are packed by the dozen. However, this is not ideal for Bonaventure’s housing options. Adding more variety to the housing options would reduce pre-housing application…

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Opening the doors on coed floors


By Emma Zaremba Features Assignment Editor   Traditional is typically an accurate description of St. Bonaventure. In the past couple of years, however, the Residence Life team has been making strides in changing that label. Freshman residence halls Robinson and Falconio had various coed floors last year and received great feedback from residents. The Residence…

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