Erica Gustafson – The Bona Venture

St. Bonaventure's Student-Run Newspaper since 1926

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Erica Gustafson

Thank you for your opinions and memories


BY ERICA GUSTAFSON, OPINION EDITOR Though I may be an opinion writer, it’s not always easy for me to express myself. I heard about the Bona Venture Newspaper as an incoming freshman, and I hesitated. I wanted to be a part of it, but I did not think I would be good at writing for…

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People should learn to live with their regrets


BY ERICA GUSTAFSON, OPINION EDITOR “A life full of regrets is not living at all.” Along with the hundreds of other comments and advice, this one sentence stuck with me the most. However, not in a way you may think. After thinking about this time and time again over the years, I can say that…

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Baseball is the “cream of the crop” in athletics


BY ERICA GUSTAFSON, OPINION EDITOR Baseball is most famously known as America’s National Pastime, even by those who are not necessarily baseball fans. Though we may like to think that baseball started here, it’s origins could be tied to other areas of the world. According to an updated information about who invented baseball on history.com,…

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Why are people focused on celebrity drama?


BY ERICA GUSTAFSON, OPINION EDITOR Throughout the past week, a wave has engulfed social media and news platforms regarding Will Smith and Chris Rock. On March 27, celebrities and big names gathered together to celebrate the 2022 Oscars. Within the celebrations, famous comedian Chris Rock made a comment towards Jayda Pinkett Smith saying, “Jada, I…

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Science itself is not an authority figure


BY ERICA GUSTAFSON, OPINION EDITOR I can’t even count how many times I have seen articles, news stories, reports or heard people use science as an authority figure. It usually is phrased similar to, “the science shows that it is impossible for this type of phenomenon to occur.” People generally use it in conversations to…

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Canva.com is an amazing tool to use


BY ERICA GUSTAFSON, OPINION EDITOR Think back to a time when you were asked to learn a new tool or platform for your job or school. It seems as though I am constantly being asked to learn new online tools, platforms and aids to help with my school and work tasks. However, no part of…

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Lab requirements need to be evaluated


BY ERICA GUSTAFSON, OPINON EDITOR In total honesty, my science distribution requirement was the top course that I dreaded all four years of my college undergraduate program. It’s not that I don’t enjoy learning new things, but I am just not a science person. I do not understand science as well as other courses, and…

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Science can not disprove that God exists


BY ERICA GUSTAFSON, OPINION EDITOR One of the most controversial subjects that get on my nerves is when people state that science has the power to disprove God’s existence. It has been a dispute between scientists, religious figures and other people of all ages. It has been discussed, argued and even fought over on a…

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People are taught more than books


BY ERICA GUSTAFSON, OPINION EDITOR If I got a dime every time an adult over the age of 40 told me that “children and young adults today are always tied to their phones. They will never be able to survive a real job or enjoy the real world,” I would be rich. I know that…

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People upset with constant political talk


BY ERICA GUSTAFSON, OPINION EDITOR There are many upperclassmen here at St. Bonaventure University who are older than most major social media platforms. Facebook was born in 2004, Twitter in 2006, Instagram in 2010 and Snapchat made its way in 2011. Though these are commonly referred to as sites that grew up with our generation,…

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Don’t blame people for not working

Waitress with mask

BY ERICA GUSTAFSON, OPINION EDITOR Young children going into their middle school years often hear their parents say, “study hard, so you don’t end up working at McDonalds for the rest of your life.” They emphasize restaurants like McDonalds as an example that students should not work at minimum wage jobs forever because they will…

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It’s okay to give yourself a break from finals

Students studying at desk

BY ERICA GUSTAFSON, OPINION EDITOR In all honesty, I could not be more excited for the coming winter break. A time that I can spend surrounded by all of my close family and friends that I often miss during the fall semester. However, things change also brings one of the most dreaded times of a…

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People need to remember Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving table turkey decoration

BY ERICA GUSTAFSON, OPINION EDITOR After the spooky season of pumpkin carving, costumes, candy, scary movies and numerous parties, this year’s Halloween celebration has sadly come to a close. Right beside the season’s end, I have seen my TikTok feed change from Halloween costumes to Christmas music and decorations in the blink of an eye.…

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Who should pay when on a first date?

Two people hold hands getting coffee

BY ERICA GUSTAFSON, OPINION EDITOR I overheard a very interesting conversation the other day in the grocery aisles of Olean’s Walmart. Two girls were picking up snacks as they were talking about a recent date the one went on. Though I did not listen for long, I did overhear the girl say that she found…

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Classroom silence doesn’t equal unfocused

Young boy working on class work with other students

BY ERICA GUSTAFSON, OPINION EDITOR Every year, time seems to make a b-line straight for the first day of classes and seminars. Whether students want to or not, the school year approaches as fast as a plane taking off down the runway. With lectures, quizzes, exams and attendance come the dreaded note of classroom participation.…

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Women can dress only for themselves

Two women shopping in small store

BY ERICA GUSTAFSON, OPINION EDITOR “Wow! Look at you all dressed up today! Who are you trying to impress?” If I had a dollar for every time someone – whether a family member or friend – has said this to me, I would have enough money to pay off my college debt from St. Bonaventure…

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It’s okay to not know about your future

3D "Future" on a white surface

BY ERICA GUSTAFSON, OPINION EDITOR When asked about a person’s biggest fear, most people might say heights, spiders, snakes, the ocean or a long list of things that can send shivers up and down their spine. They can be things that make a person anxious or even run away in panic. In all of these…

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Productive and busy are different things

in OPINION/Uncategorized by
College student busy with stacks of books

BY ERICA GUSTAFSON, OPINION EDITOR A college or university experience is not supposed to be a walk in the park. I learned that the hard way walking in as a shy and nervous freshman. I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I wasn’t quite sure if I would find my place as…

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Good athletes are not only just talent

coach talking to four young football players

BY ERICA GUSTAFSON, OPINION EDITOR What are the two most important things that contribute to a person being a good athlete and player? Though there could be a number of attributes that influence a player’s ability, hard work and talent are the first two that really come to mind. I have been an athlete all…

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“Friends” is one of the best T.V. shows

woman sitting watching her television

BY ERICA GUSTAFSON, OPINION EDITOR I will not lie. I have been a “Friends” television show fan since my early childhood. Once the show first popped on the screen at my house, I was hooked. It is just an iconic, relevant and hilarious show that can be so addictive to watch. Though many people tell…

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