features – Page 23 – The Bona Venture

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features - page 23

Titanic sails back into theaters


By Heather Monahan Staff Writer Rose may have let go, but “Titanic” fans never did. Fans have been able to relive the excitement of the movie with the recent re-release of the 1997 film in theaters. But this time, it’s supposed to be an enhanced experience with 3-D effects.             However, Bonaventure students…

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App-ealing to students


By Elizabeth Grady Promotions Editor Recognizing the increasing presence of smart phones in the hands of college students, the Office of Communications created a blog that reviews apps for students. According to Kait Laubscher, intern at the Office of Communications, the SBU App Review provides in-depth app reviews  for students by students. Student reviewers Laubscher…

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Students, faculty coach for Special Olympics


By Kerri Linsenbigler Features Assignment Editor “If you believe in acceptance, empowerment, opportunity and fun, you are already a fan of Special Olympics.” According to the Special Olympics New York volunteer handbook, volunteering with Special Olympics creates a strong connection with athletes even after the games end. At St. Bonaventure, faculty and students are doing…

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Beauty abounds at Bona’s


By Angelia Roggie Features Editor In an age of skinny models and tiny sizes, women constantly compare themselves to each other. According to the Media Awareness Network’s website, 50 to 70 percent of girls at a healthy weight believe they are overweight, and research indicates 90 percent of women are unhappy with their appearance in…

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Campus Style Spotlight


By Marie Dirle and Margaret Seitz Photographers Name: James Riley Year/Major: Senior/Music What are you wearing? Shirt, pants and beanie — thrift stores What is your style inspiration? “I like to find cheap-but-comfortable clothes. I usually try not to spend too much — never over $45 for shoes.” How do you describe your style? “My…

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Embracing diversity, celebrating differences


By Matthew Laurrie Assistant Features Editor St. Bonaventure University embraced a culture of acceptance this week on campus through a myriad of events intended to promote the value of people with cognitive and physical disabilities in higher education. The Council for Exceptional Children (CEC), in a joint effort with the Campus Activities Board (CAB), is…

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‘Midsummer’ enchants

Marie Dirle/The Bona Venture

By Mary Best Opinion Editor Swirls of fantasy, love, fairies and mischief adorned the Regina A. Quick Center for the Arts this week in SBU Theater’s fresh and colorful production of William Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream.” The comedy, directed by Dr. Ed. Simone, chairperson of the Department of Visual and Performing Arts, follows three…

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