Friar Faceoff – The Bona Venture

St. Bonaventure's Student-Run Newspaper since 1926

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Friar Faceoff

Mock Trial headed to nation’s capital


The St. Bonaventure Mock Trial team is heading to Washington, D.C. today for an invitational at American University.  This will be the team’s fourth competition of the season. The team began its season with a competition at Drexel University in Philadelphia. It then debated at Colgate University in Hamilton, N.Y. Most recently, the team hosted…

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Mockin’ around the courtroom


By Kevin Rogers Managing Editor    Students from 10 colleges rolled into St. Bonaventure for a battle of legal know-how as SBU Mock Trial hosted its second annual “Friar Faceoff” tournament last weekend. In mock trial, students play the role of lawyers and witnesses as they develop the best defense or prosecution in a case…

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