housing – The Bona Venture

St. Bonaventure's Student-Run Newspaper since 1926

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Student’s Speak on Housing Portal

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Devereux Hall Photo Courtesy: Morgan Kilger BY MORGAN KILGER, CONTRIBUTING WRITER The housing portal — St. Bonaventure University’s housing selection process — is starting up for the 2025 through 2026 school year. Freshman accounting major Carly Thomas is halfway through her first year at  Bonaventure.  Sophomores can choose between Devereux Hall, Shay Hall, Francis Hall,…

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Room deposits pave way for Fall 2021 housing lottery

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By Madeleine Girad, Contributing Writer The time has yet again come to put down your deposit to secure your spot in the housing lottery. But for many freshmen, this process could be confusing. To place your deposit, go to www.sbu.edu/roomdeposit. Here, students can pay the $200 to secure their spot in the lottery, but don’t…

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Students react to living in Francis

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St. Bonaventure offers several different housing options that each have their own pros and cons for the students living on campus. Some offer the benefit of being close to the Hickey Dining Hall and academic buildings, while others allow students to have their own kitchen and single rooms in an apartment setting. A housing option…

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University considers gender neutral housing

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The university is considering the option of gender-neutral housing for the upcoming school year. The option would allow students interested in living with their friends of the opposite sex the opportunity to do so. To Liam McGurl, a member of the housing committee, and an associate editor for The Bona Venture, gender-neutral housing is an…

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JCC students absent from Bona dorms

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The second floor of Doyle Hall remains empty this year despite Bonaventure’s plans to turn it into student housing for Jamestown Community College (JCC) commuters. The vacant hall is not due to lack of interest, according to Kirk Young, vice president of enrollment at JCC. “There was actually a lot of interest in the new…

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Housing: happy or hate it?


As students have begun to settle into their new living situations, some said they have begun to weigh the pros and cons of their new homes. Some students said they have noticed an improvement in their living space, while others said they have found some difficulties. “One word that I can use to describe my…

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It’s the most stressful time of the year


The deadline for housing applications is today, and students have been rounding up their friends and picking their new homes for the 2015-16 school year. “For me, the actual paperwork and application hasn’t been the difficult part—it’s finding the right people,” freshman journalism and mass communication major Anna Rine said.  “My solid friend group has…

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Students need varied housing choices


Even numbers not always the best option for dorm life Many things come in even numbers.  Noah packed his ark with animals paired by twos.  Cars have four wheels.  Eggs are packed by the dozen. However, this is not ideal for Bonaventure’s housing options. Adding more variety to the housing options would reduce pre-housing application…

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Winning the housing Hunger Games


By Tori Woods Contributing Writer Every spring, students planning to live on campus the following year attend required meetings, turn in necessary applications and hope for the best. A few weeks later, students gather in the Reilly Center to select the apartment or room they want. Unfortunately, the anticipated room or apartment isn’t always available.…

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