James Rumschlag – The Bona Venture

St. Bonaventure's Student-Run Newspaper since 1926

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James Rumschlag

Manfred’s actions suck in helping the MLB


BY JAMES RUMSCHLAG, STAFF WRITER The Major League Baseball, MLB, Lockout is when there is no agreement between the MLB Commissioner, Rob Manfred and the MLB Players Association, MLBPA. The lockout began on December 2, 2021, after the current deal had expired on December 1st, and neither side could come to a collective agreement. As…

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Freedom Convoy affects the U.S. and Canada


BY JAMES RUMSCHLAG, STAFF WRITER We’ve all seen them appearing in the news and all over social media. They drive 18-wheelers for a living and are some of the most reserved people you can meet. Truckers are an essential part of how food gets on your plate, clothes get on your back, shoes on your…

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Bonaventure needs a hockey rink on campus

Empty Hockey Rink

BY JAMES RUMSCHLAG, CONTRIBUTING WRITER We’ve all been there, and we all love going. The St. Bonaventure hockey games. The Bonnies games are played at the rec center down in Olean proper, but what if Bonaventure had its own rink? This would help save some bit of gas for students who live on or close…

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Stop starting disputes with mask mandates

Women wearing mask on her face

BY JAMES RUMSCHLAG, CONTRIBUTING WRITER COVID-19 should have ended back in May when states were deciding to open everything back up to the public. With COVID-19 comes a vaccine, much controversy and two questions every Bonnie wanted answered for the fall of 2021 semester. The first of the two questions that have been on every…

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